Lee Harvey Publications
I have pulled together publications from a range of different sources, some not easy to find, as a handy free resource for anyone wanting them.
They are grouped under the five headings:
Quality, Employability, Methodology, Chicago School of Sociology, Social research (including prisons, health, gambling)
Page updated
3 February, 2025 9:43
. copyright Lee Harvey, 2012–2025
Harvey, L., 2024, 'The deceit of numbers', Extended editorial, Quality in Higher Education, 30(1), forthcoming.
Harvey, L., 2023, 'Editorial: Critical social research, Quality in Higher Education, 29(3), pp. 280–83.
Harvey, L., 2023, 'Quality in Higher Education Author Survey', Extended editorial, Quality in Higher Education, 29(2), pp. 135–64.
Harvey, L., 2022, 'Back to basics for student satisfaction: improving learning rather than constructing fatuous rankings', Editorial, Quality in Higher Education, 28(3), pp. 265–70.
Harvey, L., 2022, 'Future for printed journals', Editorial, Quality in Higher Education, 28(3), pp. 261–64.
Harvey, L., 2022, 'Critical social research: re-examining quality', Editorial, Quality in Higher Education, 28(2), pp. 145–52.
Harvey, L., 2022, 'Editorial Special issue: Quality and Learning', Quality in Higher Education, 28(1), pp. 1–5.
Harvey, L., 2020, 'Research fraud: a long-term problem exacerbated by the clamour for research grants', Editorial, Quality in Higher Education, 26(3), pp. 243–61.
Harvey, L., 2017, 'Lessons learned from two decades of Quality in Higher Education', Chapter 2 of Hazelkorn, E., Coates, H. & McCormick, A., (Eds.), 2018, Research Handbook on Quality, Performance and Accountability in Higher Education (Cheltenham, Edward Elgar). FINAL CORRECTED PROOF also DRAFT
Williams, J. and Harvey, L., 2015, ‘Quality Assurance In Higher Education’, in Huisman, J., de Boer, H., Dill, D.D. and Souto-Otero, M. (Eds.), The Palgrave International Handbook of Higher Education Policy and Governance, Ch. 27 (London, Palgrave Macmillan). FINAL PRE-PROOF
Whitchurch, C. & Harvey, L., 2013, 'Editorial: Cultural considerations', Higher Education Quarterly, 67(2), pp. 108110.
Harvey, L., 2011, ‘Defining Quality’, invited keynote at XXIII Anniversary of the Magna Charta Universitatum, Bologna, Italy, 15-16 September 2011.
Harvey, L., 2011, ‘Overview: The nexus of feedback and improvement’, in Nair, C.S. and Mertova, P. (Eds.) 2011, Student Feedback: The cornerstone to an effective quality assurance system in higher education, Cambridge, Woodhead. ISBN 1780632584 PRE-PROOF Draft
Stensaker, B and Harvey, L. (Eds.), 2011, Accountability in Higher Education, New York, Routledge. Proofs of Harvey contributions.
Harvey, L. and Williams, J., 2010, ‘Fifteen years of Quality in Higher Education’ (part two), Quality in Higher Education, 16(2), pp. 81–113. Also in Portuguese.
Harvey, L. and Williams, J., 2010, ‘Fifteen years of Quality in Higher Education’ Quality in Higher Education, 16(1), pp. 3–36.
Harvey, L. and Kristensen, B., 2010, ‘Initiative-based quality development and the role of distributed leadership', in Nair, C.S., Webster, L. and Mertova, P. (Eds.) 2010, Leadership and Management of Quality in Higher Education, Cambridge, Woodhead. 1843345765 Pre-final draft old title
Langfeldt, L., Stensaker, B., Harvey, L., Huisman, J., & Westerheijden, D. 2010, ‘The role of peer review in Norwegian quality assurance: potential consequences for excellence and diversity’, Higher Education, 59(4), pp. 391–405.
Harvey, L., 2010, ‘The Accreditation and Quality Processes of the General Medical Council in the UK’, in Dill, D.D.and Beerkens, M. (Eds.), Public Policy for Academic Quality: Analyses of Innovative Policy Instruments Series: Higher Education Dynamics, volume 30, Dordrecht, Springer. ISBN 9048137535
Harvey, L., 2009, ‘Democratising quality’, Trends in Quality Assurance: A selection of papers from the 3rd European Quality Assurance Forum, pp 5–9, Brussels, European Universities Association. ISBN 9078997095.
Rawazik, W., Carroll, M., Fox, W. & Harvey, L., 2009, ‘A new way of evaluating overseas providers’, paper presented at INQAAHE 2009 Conference, UAE.
Harvey, L., 2009, ‘Challenges of quality assurance: lessons from UK experience’, in Mano, M., Almeida, F., Ramos, L.M., Marques, M.C., Nolan, S., 2009, Governance and Management Models in Higher Education: A global perspective, pp. 221–37. Porto, Vidaeconómica. ISBN 9789727883103 Final draft
Harvey, L., 2009, ‘Deconstructing quality culture’, paper presented at the 31st Annual EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23–26 August.
Stensaker, B., Harvey, L., Huisman, J., Langfeldt, L. & Westerheijden, D. 2009, ‘Are European quality assurance agencies reviewed according to the European standards and guidelines?’, paper presented at the 31st Annual EAIR Forum, Vilnius, Lithuania, 23–26 August.
Harvey, L., 2008, ‘Student feedback on interdisciplinary programmes’ in Chandramohan, B. and Fallows, S. (Eds.), Interdisciplinary Learning and Teaching: Theory and Practice in Contemporary Higher Education, pp. 91–104 RoutledgeFalmer. ISBN 0415341302
Harvey, L. and Stensaker, B., 2008, ‘Quality culture: understandings, boundaries and linkages’, European Journal of Education, 43(4), pp. 427–42.
Harvey, L., 2008, ‘Editorial: Rankings of higher education institutions: a critical review’, Quality in Higher Education, 14(3), pp. 187–208.
Harvey, L., 2008, Les initiatives canadiennes d’assurance de la qualité vues dans le contexte international. Préparé pour le Colloque sur l’assurance de la qualité du CMEC, à Québec les 27 et 28 mai 2008 available in English as Placing Canadian quality assurance initiatives in an international context, CMEC Quality Assurance Symposium: 27-28 May 2008, Quebec City, Canada, http://www.cmec.ca/Publications/Lists/Publications/Attachments/117/2008-05-lee-harvey.en.pdf, accessed 22 June 2017
Harvey, L., 2008, ‘Using the European Standards and Guidelines: Some concluding remarks’, in Beso, A., Bollaert, L., Curvale, B., Toft Jensen, H., Harvey, L., Helle, E., Maguire, B., Mikkola, A. and Sursock, A. 2008, Implementing and Using Quality Assurance: strategy and practice. A selection of papers from the 2nd European Quality Assurance Forum, EUA case studies 2008. Brussels, European Universities Association (EUA). ISBN 9078997052. Available at http://www.eua.be/Libraries/eqaf-2010/EUA_QA_Forum_publication_2.pdf?sfvrsn=0, accessed 22 June 2017.
Harvey, L., 2008, 'Jumping through hoops on a white elephant: a survey signifying nothing', Times Higher Education, June 2008.
Harvey, L., 2007, ‘Quality culture, quality assurance and impact: overview of discussion’, in Embedding Quality Culture in Higher Education: A selection of papers from the First European Forum for Quality Assurance, Brusells, European Universities Association, February. Available at http://www.eua.be/activities-services/publications/eua-reports-studies-and-occasional-papers.aspx ISBN 908106987X, accessed 23 June 2017.
Harvey, L. and Stensaker, B., 2007, ‘Quality culture: Understandings, boundaries and linkages’, Paper presented to the 29th EAIR Forum, Innsbruck, Austria, August, 2007.
Harvey, L. and Newton, J., 2007, ‘Transforming quality evaluation: moving on’, in Westerheijden, D., Stensaker, B. and Rosa, M.J., (Eds.) (2007), Quality Assurance In Higher Education: Trends in Regulation, Translation and Transformation, pp. 225–45. Amsterdam, Springer. ISBN 1402060114 381830209X. Original paper presented to the seminar “Dynamics and effects of quality assurance in higher education – various perspectives of quality and performance at various levels”, Douro, Portugal, October 2005
Harvey, L., 2007, ‘The epistemology of quality’, Perspectives in Education, 25(3), pp. 1–13.
Harvey, L., 2006, ‘Understanding quality’ in Purser, L. (Ed.), EUA Bologna Handbook: Making Bologna work, Brussels, European University Association and Berlin, Raabe.
Harvey, L. and Drew, Sue with Smith, M., 2006, The First-Year Experience: Review of the Research Literature. York, Higher Education Academy; plus five separate support publications Executive Summary; Briefing Paper on Induction; Briefing Paper on Integration; Briefing Paper, Overview for Higher Education Policy Makers and Practitioners; Briefing Paper, Overview for Researchers.
Harvey, L., 2006, ‘Impact of Quality Assurance: Overview of a discussion between representatives of external quality assurance agencies’, Quality in Higher Education, 12(3), pp. 287–90. ISSN 1353-8322
Harvey, L., (Ed.), 2006, ‘Guidelines of Good Practice International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education’, Quality in Higher Education, 12(3), pp. 221–6. ISSN 1353-8322
Stensaker, B. and Harvey, L., 2006, ‘Old wine in new bottles? A comparison of public and private accreditation schemes in higher education’, Higher Education Policy, 19, pp. 65–85 ISSN 0952-8733
Harvey, L., 2006, ‘What is the student experience anyway?’ Academy Exchange, (Higher Education Academy) Summer.
Harvey, L., 2005, ‘The Accreditation and Quality Processes of the General Medical Council (UK)’, Public Policy for Academic Quality Research Program, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, http://www.unc.edu/ppaq/docs/Accreditation_MedCouncil.pdf.
Harvey, L, 2005, ‘A history and critique of quality evaluation in the UK’, Quality Assurance and Education, 13(4), pp. 263–76. ISSN 0968-4883
Harvey, L., 2005, ‘Quality assurance in higher education: some international trends’ in Wietse de Vries (coord.) Calidad, eficiencia y evaluación de la educación superior, Netbiblo-Riseu, La Coruña, España. ISBN 8497450302
Harvey, L., 2004, ‘The power of accreditation: views of academics’, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 26(2), pp. 207–23. ISSN 1360-080X.
Harvey, L. and Newton, J., 2004, ‘Transforming quality evaluation’, Quality in Higher Education, 10(2), pp 149–65. ISSN 1353-8322
Prøitz, T.S., Stensaker, B. and Harvey, L., 2004, ‘Accreditation, standards and diversity: an analysis of EQUIS accreditation reports’, Assessment & Evaluation in Higher Education, 29(6), December, pp. 735–50. ISSN 0260-2938
Harvey, L., 2004, ‘War of the Worlds: who wins in the battle for quality supremacy?’, Quality in Higher Education, 10(1), pp. 57–63. April ISSN 1353-8322
Harvey, L., 2004, ‘The power of accreditation: views of academics’, in Di Nauta, P., Omar, P-L., Schade, A. and Scheele, J.P. (Eds.) 2004, Accreditation Models in Higher Education: Experiences and Perspectives, ENQA Workshop Reports 3. Helsinki, ENQA, pp 5–19. See journal article
Harvey, L. and Askling, B., 2003, ‘Quality in Higher Education’ in Begg, R. (Ed.) The Dialogue Between Higher Education Research and Practice. Dordrecht, Kluwer, pp. 69–84.
Harvey, L., 2003, ‘Scrap that student survey now’ Times Higher Education Supplement, December 2003.
Harvey, L., 2003, ‘Student Feedback: Editorial’, Quality in Higher Education, 9(1), pp 3–20. ISSN 1353-8322
Srikanthan, G. and Harvey, L., 2003, ‘The Seventh Quality in Higher Education Seminar, October, 2002, Melbourne Australia’, SRHE International News, 51, March. See full details of the Seminar here.
Harvey, L., 2002, ‘Editorial: World Quality Register?’, Quality in Higher Education, 8(3), 211–14. ISSN 1353-8322
Harvey, L., 2002, ‘Evaluation for what?’, Teaching in Higher Education, 7(3), pp. 245–264. ISSN 1356-2517
Harvey, L., 2002, ‘The end of quality?’, Quality in Higher Education, 8(1), 5–22. ISSN 1353-8322
Harvey, L., 2002, ‘Quality evaluation: some international trends’, Norwegian Higher Education Conference, Oslo, Norway, 22–23 January, 2002.
Harvey, L., 2001, ‘Listen to Learners’, Times Higher Education Supplement, 7 December 2001.
Harvey, L., 2001, ‘Getting student satisfaction’, Guardian, 27 November 2001. PDF here.
Harvey, L., 2001, ‘Integrating feedback’, Education Marketing, 24, November, pp. 26–28. ISSN 1352-9722
Harvey, L. 2001, Student Feedback: A report to the Higher Education Funding Council for England. October 2001.
Staley, A., MacKenzie, N., Harris, Y., Harvey, L., Marlowe-Hayne, N., Moon, S., Bowes, L and Williamson, E., 2001, ‘Meta-analysis: results’, in Staley, A. and MacKenzie, N., (Eds.), Computer Supported Experiential Learning, pp. 35–67, Birmingham, UCE, Learning Methods Unit. ISBN 1859201172
Harvey, L. and Green, D., 2000, ‘Qualität definieren’, Zeitschrift für Pädagogik, Special Issue, pp. 17–39. ISBN 1859201059. Available at http://www.pedocs.de/volltexte/2014/8483/pdf/Harvey_Green_2000_Qualitaet_definieren.pdf, accessed 23 June 2017.
Harvey, L. and Knight, P., 1999, ‘Policy and accountability’, in Education, Training and the Future of Work II: Developments in vocational education and training, Flude, M. and Sieminski, S., (Eds.), pp. 232–57, London, Routledge and the Open University Press. ISBN 0415202116
Harvey, L., 1999, ‘Políticas de Calidad’, in Calidad en La Educación, Diciembre, 1999, Santiago, Chile, Consejo Superior de Educación, pp. 10–15. ISSN 0717-4004
Gould, F and Harvey, L., 1999, ‘Redefine the finishing line’, Guardian, 30 November 1999.
Harvey, L., 1999, ‘Engagement is key’, Letter in Times Higher Education Supplement, 19 November 1999.
Harvey, L., 1999, ‘Quality in higher education’, invited higher education keynote at the Swedish Quality Conference, Göteborg, Sweden, 10 November, 1999.
Utley, A., 1999, ‘New indicator risks bias’, Times Higher Education Supplement, 8 October 1999.
Harvey, L., 1999, ‘‘New realities’: the relationship between higher education and employment’, keynote at the 21st European Association of Institutional Research (EAIR) Conference on New Realities—Renewed Institutions at Lund University, Sweden, 22–25 August 1999.
Harvey, L., 1999, ‘The sense in satisfaction’, Times Higher Education Supplement, 15 January 1999, p. 29.
Calidad en La Educación, 1999, ‘Entrevista: Lee Harvey, La educación en el siglo XX1’, in Calidad en La Educación, Diciembre, 1998, Santiago, Chile, Consejo Superior de Educación, pp. 5–8. ISSN 0717-4004
Harvey, L., 1998, ‘An assessment of past and current approaches to quality in higher education’, Australian Journal of Education, 42(3), pp. 237–55. ISSN 0004-9441
Knight, P. and Harvey, L., 1998, ‘The Use of a Staff Satisfaction Survey at the University of Central England’, Perspectives, 3(2), pp. 56–62. ISSN 1360-3108
Harvey, L., 1998, 'Getting 'quality' right: the relationship between quality and learning', Introductory keynote presentation at the International Seminar of the Consejo Superior De Educación, Santiago, Chile, 23–25 September, 1998.
Harvey, L., 1998, ‘Breaking the mould: from extrapolation to lateral thinking about the future of higher education’, Tertiary Education and Management, 4(2), pp. 115–22. ISSN 1358-3883. Pre-proof version based on presentation at 19th Annual EAIR Forum.
Harvey, L., 1998, ‘Are we ready to transform higher education in Hong Kong?’, Teaching at CityU, 2, May, pp. 8–10. Published version of presentation 'Transforming higher education' Hong Kong City University, 10 January 1998.
Wong, J., 1998, ‘Better quality monitoring needed’, South China Morning Post, 5 March, 1998, p. 21.
Frost, R., 1998, ‘Technological leap demands new approach’, Hong Kong Standard, 14 January 1998.
Harvey, L., 1997, ‘External quality monitoring in the market place’, Tertiary Education and Management, 3(2). ISSN 1358-3883
Harvey, L., 1997, ‘Empowering Learners’, Link: The European Student Magazine of the National Unions of Students in Europe (ESIB, Austria), 2, pp. 5–6.
Harvey, L., 1997, ‘Quality is not free! Quality monitoring alone will not improve quality’, Tertiary Education and Management, 3(3). ISSN 0260-2938. Paper is published version of the Introductory Lecture presented at the
18th Annual EAIR Forum ‘Higher Education in the Market Place: strategies of survival and success’, Budapest University of Economics, Budapest, Hungary, 25–28 August, 1996.
Harvey, L. and Associates, 1997, Student Satisfaction Manual, Buckingham, Society for Research into Higher Education/ Open University Press. ISBN 0335197795.
Geall, V., Harvey, L. and Moon, S., 1997, ‘The United Kingdom: Institutional self-evaluation and quality’ in Strydom, A.H., Lategan, L.O.K and Muller, A., (Eds.) Enhancing Institutional Self-Evaluation and Quality in South African Higher Education: National and international perspectives, Bloemfontein, University of the Orange Free State. ISBN 0868865869
Harvey, L., 1997, ‘Transforming higher education: students as key stakeholders’, in Niklasson, L., (Ed.), 1997, Quality Assurance as Support for Processes of Innovation: The Swedish model in comparative perspective, Stockholm, National Agency, pp. 59–79. ISSN 14009498 ISRN HSV -SS-97/1-SE. Published version of Keynote presentation at the Högskoleverket Conference ‘Quality Assurance as a Support for Processes of Innovation’ Castle of Lejondal, Sweden,10–11 September, 1996. Full conference proceedings available at www.uka.se/download/18.12f25798156a345894e2d4b/1487841932266/9701S.pdf, accessed 22 June 2017.
Harvey, L., 1996, ‘Auditing continuous improvement’ Times Higher Education Supplement, 1 June, 1996.
Harvey, L., 1996, ‘Quality monitoring and student learning’ in Strydom, A.H., Lategan, L.O.K and Muller, A., (Eds.) Quality Assurance in South African Higher Education: National and International Perspectives, Bloemfontein, University of the Orange Free State, pp. 203-41. ISBN 0868865532. Paper ‘Quality monitoring and student learning’ presented at the Quality Assurance Conference, ‘Quality and quality assurance: Ideals versus realities and the way forward in South African Higher Education’, University of the Orange Free State, Bloemfontein, South Africa, 19–20 March, 1996.
Harvey, L. and Knight, P. T., 1996, Transforming Higher Education, Buckingham, Society for Research into Higher Education/ Open University Press (October). ISBN 033519589X pbk 0335195903 hbk
Harvey, L., 1996, ‘Editorial: Impact of external quality monitoring’, Quality in Higher Education, 2(2), pp. 89–94. ISSN 1353-8322
Harvey, L., 1996, ‘Editorial: The future of higher education’, Quality in Higher Education, 2(3), pp. 177–184. ISSN 1353-8322
Harvey, L., 1996, ‘The QHE Project’, Managing HE, 2, Spring, pp. 22–5. ISSN 1361-5750. Later edited version
Geall, V., Moon, S. and Harvey, L., 1995, ‘Student Satisfaction’, Managing HE, 1, December. ISSN 1361-5750
Harvey, L., 1996, ‘Quality in Higher Education’, Janus.
Harvey, L., 1995, ‘Beyond TQM’, Quality in Higher Education, 1(2), pp. 123–46. ISSN 1353-8322
Harvey, L., 1995, ‘The new collegialism; improvement with accountability’, Tertiary Education and Management, 1, no. 2, pp. 153–160. ISSN 1358-3883
Colling, C. and Harvey, L., 1995, ‘Quality control, assurance and assessment—the link to continuous improvement’, Quality Assurance in Education, 3(4), pp. 30–4. ISSN 0968-4883 ABSTRACT
Harvey, L and Mason, S. with Ward, R., 1995, The Role of Professional Bodies in Higher Education Quality Monitoring, Birmingham, QHE. ISBN 1859201083
Harvey, L., 1995, ‘Student Satisfaction’, The New Review of Academic Librarianship, 1, pp. 161–73. ISSN 1361-4533
Harvey, L., 1995, ‘Editorial: The quality agenda’, Quality in Higher Education, 1(1), pp. 5–12. ISSN 1353-8322
Harvey, L., 1995 ‘Keeping the customer satisfied: the Student Satisfaction approach’ in Institute of Electrical Engineers’ Digest no. 1995/084, Proceedings of the Colloquium on ‘Quality in Higher Education organised by Professional Group S5 (Education and Training), London, Wednesday 26 April 1995. ISSN 0963-3308
Harvey, L. and Mason, S., 1995, ‘The Role of Professional Bodies in Quality Assurance in Higher Education: Executive Summary’, in Proceedings of the Second Quality Assurance In Education Conference at Manchester Conference Centre, 9–10 November, 1995, pp. 1–6. Reconstructed PDF here.
Harvey, L., 1995, ‘The Limits of TQM for Higher Education’ in Background Papers for the Third Meeting of the International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education, at Utrecht, The Netherlands, 21–23 May 1995. Amsterdam, VSNU/Inspectie van het Onderwijs.
Mason, S. and Harvey, L., 1995, Funding Higher Education: Student Perspectives. Birmingham, QHE. ISBN 1859201075
Harvey, L., 1995, Quality Assurance Systems, TQM and the New Collegialism. Birmingham, QHE. ISBN 1859201059
Green, D. and Harvey, L., 1994, ‘Quality assurance in Western Europe: trends, practices and issues’, in Banta, T., Anderson, C. and Berendt, B, (ed.), 1994, Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education, Indianapolis, Indiana University-Purdue University, pp. 177–200.
Harvey, L., 1994, ‘Continuous quality improvement: A system-wide view of quality in higher education’, in Knight, P. (Ed.), 1994, System-wide Curriculum Change, Birmingham, SEDA. ISBN 0946815631
Harvey, L., 1994, ‘Quality assurance in higher education in the UK: current situation and issues’ in New Zealand Qualifications Authority (NZQA), 1994, Quality Assurance in Education and Training: Conference Papers, 3 volumes for a conference held in Wellington, 10–12 May 1994. Wellington, NZQA, volume 1, pp. 143–54. ISBN 0908927452
Burrows, A. and Harvey, L., 1993, ‘Defining quality in higher education – the stakeholder approach’, in Shaw, M. and Roper, E. (Eds.), Aspects of Educational and Training Technology Volume XXVI: Quality in Education and Training, London, Kogan Page and New Jersey, Nichols, pp. 44–9. ISBN 0749408979
McGeough, J. and Harvey, L., 1993, ‘Position statement prepared on behalf of group F who discussed competence-based degrees’, in Harvey, L. (Ed.), 1994, Proceedings of the Second QHE Quality Assessment Seminar, 16–17 December, 1993. Birmingham, QHE, p. 55. ISBN 1859201024
Harvey, L., Green, D. and Burrows, A.,1993, ‘Assessing quality in higher education: a transbinary research project’, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 18(2). pp.143–48. ISSN 0260-2938
Harvey, L. and Green, D., 1993, ‘Defining quality’, Assessment and Evaluation in Higher Education, 18(1), pp. 9–34. ISSN 0260-2938. Pre-publication draft
Harvey, L. (Ed.), 1993, Quality Assessment in Higher Education: Collected Papers of the QHE Project. Birmingham, QHE ISBN 1859201008
Harvey, L., Burrows, A. and Green, D., 1992, Criteria of Quality. Birmingham, QHE. ISBN 1859201067 (also Harvey, L., Burrows, A. and Green, D., 1992, Criteria of Quality: Summary. Birmingham, QHE).
Harvey, L., Burrows, A. and Green, D., 1992 ‘Democratising Quality. Revised and Updated Version', Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education, at University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands, 28–30th July, 1992.
Harvey, L. and Burrows, A., 1992, ‘Empowering students’, New Academic, Summer, 1992, pp. 1ff.
Harvey, L., Burrows, A., Green, D. and Smallwood, P., 1993, The Quality Assurers. Second, revised and updated edition. (First edition, Harvey, Burrows, and Green, June 1992). Birmingham QHE.
Harvey, L., Burrows, A. and Green, D., 1993, The Quality Assessors. Second revised and updated edition, February. (First edition, June 1992). Birmingham, QHE.
Harvey, L., Burrows, A. and Green, D., 1992, The Policy Background to the Quality Debate in Higher Education 1985–1992: A Summary of Key Documents. Second edition, November. Birmingham, QHE. (First edition Burrows, A., Harvey, L. and Green, D., August 1992).
Harvey, L., Burrows, A. and Green, D., 1992, Total Student Experience: A First Report of the QHE National Survey of Staff and Students’ Views of the Important Criteria for Assessing the Quality of Higher Education. Birmingham, QHE.
Burrows, A., Harvey, L. and Green, D., 1992, Approaches to Quality Control and Assurance in Higher Education: A Review. Second edition, December. Birmingham, QHE.
Burrows, A., Harvey, L. and Green, D., 1992, Approaches to Quality Assessment: A Review of Performance Indicators, Peer Review and Inspection. Second edition November (first edition, August). Birmingham, QHE.
Burrows, A., Harvey, L. and Green, D., 1992, Quality Assurance Systems: A Review of the Application of Industrial Models to Education and Training. Second edition, November (first edition, August). Birmingham, QHE.
Burrows, A., Harvey, L. and Green, D., 1992, International Rise in Interest About Quality in Higher Education: A Review of the Literature. Second edition, November 1992 (first edition, August). Birmingham, QHE.
Burrows, A., Harvey, L. and Green, D., 1992, Concepts of Quality in Higher Education: A review of the literature, (August 1992). Birmingham, QHE.
Quality, Employability, Methodology, Chicago School of Sociology, Social research (including prisons, health, gambling)
Harvey, L., 2010, ‘Employability and Transformative Learning’, University of Vienna, Friday Lectures, 3 December 2010, published in Kossek, B and Zwiauer, C. (Eds.), 2010, Universität in Zeiten von Bologna: Zur Theorie und Praxis von Lehr- und Lernkulturen, Vienna, Vienna University Press. ISBN 978-3-8471-0037-9
Little, B. and Harvey, L., 2007, ‘UK work placements: a choice too far?’, Tertiary Education and Management, 13(3), 227–45. ISSN 1358-3883. Final proof
Voorhees, R.A, and Harvey, L. (Eds.) 2006, Institutional Research and Workforce Development: A Strategic Role for Institutional Research: New Directions for Institutional Research No. 128, New York; Josey-Bass. ISBN: 0-7879-8365-9
Harvey, L., 2006, ‘Employability and diversity’ Keynote at the Social Diversity and Difference Seminar, University of Wolverhampton, Wolverhampton Science Park, 15 February.
Little, B. and Harvey, L. and Associates, 2006, Learning Through Work Placement and Beyond. July. Manchester, Higher Education Career Service Unit and Higher Education Academy.
Bowers-Brown, T., McCaig, C., Stevens, A. and Harvey, L., 2006, National Evaluation of Aimhigher: Survey of higher education institutions, further education colleges and work-based learning providers. A report to the Higher Education Funding Council for England by the Centre for Research and Evaluation, Sheffield Hallam University. Bristol, HEFCE. February. Available at http://www.aimhigher.ac.uk/sites/practitioner/resource_material/monitoring___evaluation/evaluation/strand_4.cfm accessed April 2006, not available 29 August 2017.
Harvey, L., 2006, ‘Embedding and integrating employability’, in Voorhees, R.A. and Harvey, L., (Eds.) Institutional Research and Workforce Development, pp. 13–28. New York, Josey-Bass. FINAL PREPUBLICATION DRAFT
Voorhees, R.A. and Harvey, L., 2006, ‘Higher education and workforce development : a strategic role for institutional research’ following ‘Introduction and Editors’ Notes’, in Voorhees, R.A. and Harvey, L., (Eds.) Institutional Research and Workforce Development, pp. 1ff. New York, Josey-Bass.
Harvey, L. and Voorhees, R.A., 2006, ‘An action agenda for institutional researchers’, in Voorhees, R.A. and Harvey, L., (Eds.) Institutional Research and Workforce Development, pp. 99–104. New York, Josey-Bass.
Pedagogy for Employability Group, 2006, Pedagogy for Employability. ESECT, Learning and Employability: Series One. York, Higher Education Academy.
Yorke, M. and Harvey, L., 2005, ‘Graduate attributes and their development’, in Voorhees, R.A. and Harvey, L., (Eds.) Institutional Research and Workforce Development, pp. 41–58. New York, Josey-Bass.
Cappuccini, G., Harvey, L., Williams, J., Bowers-Brown, T., McCaig, C., Sagu, S., MacDonald, M., 2005, Careers Advisory Services and International Students. Briefing paper, Higher Education Careers Services Unit (HECSU) research notes. Manchester HECSU.
Cappuccini, G., Harvey, L., Williams, J., Bowers-Brown, T., McCaig, C., Sagu, S., MacDonald, M., 2005, Careers Advisory Services and International Students. Full report, Manchester, Higher Education Careers Services Unit (HECSU).
Harvey, L. & Bowers-Brown, T., 2004, ‘The employability of graduates: cross-country comparisons’, Department for Education and Skills Research Conference 2003, Learning by Comparison: International Experiences in Education and Training, A Selection of Papers, pp. 107– 123CR2003. Nottingham, DfES.
Bowers-Brown, T. with Harvey, L., 2004, ‘Are there too many graduates in the UK? A literature review and an analysis of graduate employability’, Industry and Higher Education, 18(4), August 2004, pp. 243–54. ISSN 0950-4222.
Harvey, L. and Knight, P., 2004, Briefings on Employability 5: Helping Departments to Develop Employability. Manchester and York, Graduate Prospects and LTSN Generic Centre.
Bowers-Brown, T. & Harvey, L., 2004, ‘Employability: cross-country comparisons’, Graduate Market Trends, Winter 2004–5.
Harvey, L., 2004, ‘On employability’ paper for the Higher Education Academy.
Morey, A., Harvey, L., Williams, J., Saldana, A. and Mena, P., 2003, HE Careers Services and Diversity: How careers advisory services can enhance the employability of graduates from non-traditional backgrounds. Manchester, HECSU. Executive summary.
Harvey, L., (with advice from ESECT and LTSN Generic Centre colleagues) 2003, Transitions from Higher Education to Work. An ESECT Briefing paper. Published on LTSN, generic Centre website.
Martin, P., Butcher, V., Roodhouse, S., Harvey, L & Knight, P., 2003, ‘Style over substance?’, in Learning Skills in Higher Education, issue no. 1, supplement of Times Higher Education Supplement, 23 May, 2003, pp. 8–9.
Harvey, L. and Locke, W., with Morey, A., 2002, Enhancing Employability, Recognising Diversity: Making links between higher education and the world of work. July. London, Universities UK. ISBN 184036081X Also three executive summaries, published separately, one general, one for employers and one for parliament.
Little, B., Moon, S., Pierce, D., Harvey, L. and Marlow-Hayne, N., 2001, Nature and extent of undergraduates’ work experience. March. DfES and CIHE (published 2002). Summary.
Harvey, L., 2001, ‘Defining and measuring employability’, Quality in Higher Education, 7(2), pp. 97–110. ISSN 1353-8322
Harvey, L., 2001, ‘The British experience of assessing competence’, in Palumbo, C.A. and Banta. T. (Eds.), Assessing Student Competence in Accredited Disciplines: Pioneering approaches to assessment in higher education. Sterling, Virginia, Stylus. ISBN 1579220347
Little, B, Harvey, L. Moon, S. and Pierce, D., 2001, ‘Research work: the extent and variety of forms of work-related learning’, in Council for Industry and Higher Education (CIHE), Work-Related Learning Report, pp. 23–24. London, CIHE. ISBN 1841856894
Harvey, L., 2001, ‘Employer demands on education’, in the Meaning of Quality in Education A European Union Conference, Karlstad. Sweden, 2–4 April, 2001, Final report. (Prepared for the European Commission, DG Education and Culture, The Swedish Presidency of the Council of Ministers, 2001. Ministry of Education and Science (U2000/4838/IS). Powerpoint of the presentation.
Harvey, L., 2000, ‘Graduate employability’, in Transactions of the Twelfth International Conference on Assessing Quality in Higher Education, (CD) RMIT, Melbourne.
Blackwell, A., Bowes, L., Harvey, L., Hesketh, A.J. and Knight, P.T., 2000, ‘Transforming work experience in higher education’, British Educational Research Journal, 27(3), 269–85.
Harvey, L., 2000, ‘New realities: the relationship between higher education and employment’, Tertiary Education and Management, 6(1), pp. 3–17. Abstract. ISSN 1358-3883
Harvey, L., 2000, ‘An Employability Performance Indicator?’, Perspectives, 4(4). pp.105–9. ISSN 1360-3108. Based on the outcome of the Fifth 24-Hour QHE Seminar.
Bowes, L., and Harvey, L., 2000, The Impact of Sandwich Education on the Activities of Graduates Six Months Post-Graduation, London, The National Centre for Work Experience and CRQ. ISBN 0953806901
Harvey, L. and Blackwell, A., 1999, ‘Gender bias in incomes of UK art and design graduates’, Industry and Higher Education, 13(5), pp. 323–29. ISSN 0950-4222 RECONSTRUCTED FROM WORD GRAPHICS MISSING
Harvey, L., 1999, ‘Employability: developing the relationship between higher education and employment’, Opening presentation at the Fifth Quality in Higher Education 24-Hour Seminar, Scarman House, Warwick University, 28 October, 1999.
Blackwell, A. and Harvey, L., 1999, Destinations and Reflections: Careers of British art, craft and design graduates. Birmingham, CRQ. ISBN 1859201148 (Harvey, L. and Blackwell, A., 1999, Destinations and Reflections: Careers of British art, craft and design graduates — Executive Summary. Birmingham, CRQ. ISBN 1859201156)
CSU, 1999, ‘What is work’, in Prospects Focus on Work Experience: The essential guide for pre-final year students, 2000, pp. 6–7. London, CSU and National Centre for Work Experience.
Harvey, L., Geall, V. and Moon, S. with Aston, J., Bowes, L. and Blackwell, A., 1998, Work Experience: Expanding opportunities for undergraduates. Birmingham, CRQ (supported by DfEE and CIHE). ISBN 185920113X
Harvey, L., 1997, ‘Give students wider range of experience’, Personnel Today, 4 September 1997.
Harvey, L., Moon, S., Geall, V., 1997, ‘Graduates’ work: implications of organisational change on the development of student attributes’, Industry and Higher Education,, 11(5), October, pp. 287–96. ISSN 0950-4222
Harvey, L., Moon, S., Geall, V. with Bower, R., 1997, Graduates’ Work: Organisational change and students’ attributes. Birmingham, CRQ and AGR (supported by DfEE and CIHE). ISBN 1859201113
Harvey, L., Geall, V. and Moon, S., 1997, ‘Graduates or non-graduates?’, Recruitment, Selection and Induction Briefing, 6 June 1997, pp. 4–5. ISSN 1367 8477
Harvey, L. and Mason, S., 1996, ‘A quality graduate’ in Tait, J. and Knight, P., (Eds.), 1996, The Management of Independent Learning, London, Kogan Page/SEDA. ISBN 0749419490.
Harvey, L., with Green, D., 1994, Employer Satisfaction. Birmingham, QHE. ISBN 1859201032 (Harvey, L., with Green, D., 1994, Employer Satisfaction: Summary. Birmingham, QHE. ISBN 1859201040)
Harvey, L., 1993, ‘Employer Satisfaction: interim report’ in Harvey, L. (ed.), 1994, Proceedings of the Second QHE Quality Assessment Seminar, 16–17 December, 1993. Birmingham, QHE. ISBN 1859201024
Harvey, L., Burrows, A. and Green, D., 1993, Someone Who Can Make an Impression. Report of the Employers’ Survey of Qualities of Higher Education Graduates. Second edition, January (first edition, May 1992). Birmingham, QHE.
Burrows, A. and Harvey, L., Green, D., 1992, Is Anybody Listening? Employers’ Views on Quality in Higher Education. Second edition, December (first edition April). Birmingham, QHE.
Quality, Employability, Methodology, Chicago School of Sociology, Social research (including prisons, health, gambling)
Harvey, L., 2012–2021, Researching the Real World, available at qualityresearchinternational.com/methodology
Harvey, L., [1990], 2011, Critical Social Research. London, Hyman Unwin. ISBN 0044453612 pbk 0044453604 hbk
Harvey, L., MacDonald, M. and Hill, J., 2000, Theories and Methods. London, Hodder and Stoughton. ISBN 0340737387
Harvey, L., 1997, ‘A new generation of methodology textbooks’, Review Essay, Sociology, 31(3), pp 619–24. ISSN 0038-0385
Harvey, L. and MacDonald, M., 1994, ‘Doing Sociology: A practical introduction’, Social Science Teacher, 23, no. 3, pp. 18–22. ISSN 0309-7544
Harvey, L. and MacDonald M., 1993, Doing Sociology, London, Macmillan. ISBN 033355082X pbk
Harvey, L. 1993, ‘Methodological problems of ideology critique'.
Harvey, L., 1991, ‘Hypertext: Part 2’, Computer Education, 70, February, pp. 19–22. ISSN 0010-4590
Harvey, L., 1991, ‘Hypertext: Part 1’, Computer Education, 69, November, pp. 12–15. ISSN 0010-4590
Harvey, L., 1990, ‘Hypertext Systems’, SocInfo, 2, August. ISSN 0958-4617
Harvey, L., 1990, ‘Reply to ‘Class-of-mail does affect the response rates to mailed questionnaires: evidence from meta-analysis’ by J. Scott Armstrong’, Journal of the Market Research Society, 32, pp. 470–472. ISSN 0025-3618
Harvey, L., 1987, ‘The Effect of Auspices, Style and Layout on Responses to Mailed Questionnaires’, Sociology, 22, 1, pp. 129–135. ISSN 0038-0385
Harvey, L., 1987, ‘Factors Affecting Response Rates to Mailed Questionnaires: A Comprehensive Literature Review’, Journal of the Market Research Society, 29, 3, pp. 341–53. ISSN 0025-3618
Harvey, L., 1986, ‘A Research Note on the Impact of Class-of-Mail on Response Rates to Mailed Questionnaires’, Journal of the Market Research Society, 28, 3, p. 299. ISSN 0025-3618
Harvey, L., 1979, ‘Participant Observation and Social Criticism’, Radical Statistics, 9
Quality, Employability, Methodology, Chicago School of Sociology, Social research (including prisons, health, gambling)
Chicago School of Sociology
Harvey, L., 1987, Myths of the Chicago School of Sociology, Aldershot, Avebury. ISBN 0566053985 hbk
Harvey, L., 1987, ‘The nature of schools in the sociology of knowledge’ in Plummer, K. (ed.), 1997, The Chicago School: Critical Assessments. Four volumes. London, Routledge.
Harvey, L., 1987, ‘Schools in the Sociology of Knowledge: The Chicago School as a Case Study’, Sociological Review, 35, 2, p. 245. ISSN 0038-0261
Harvey, L., 1986, Ideology Critique: The ‘Chicago School’ as a case study.
Harvey, L., 1986, ‘The Myths of the Chicago School’, Quality and Quantity, 20, pp. 191–217. (Originally, Birmingham Polytechnic Research Unit Occasional Paper, 1 (1983)). ISSN 0033-5177
Harvey, L., 1985, The Chicago School: A metascientific study, Ph.D, Open University, 14 February 1985.
Harvey, L., 1982, ‘Use and Abuse of Kuhnian Paradigms in the Sociology of Knowledge’, Sociology, 16, pp. 85–101. ISSN 0038-0385
Quality, Employability, Methodology, Chicago School of Sociology, Social research (including prisons, health, gambling)
Social research
Harvey, L. and MacDonald, M., 2011, United Kingdom: Mobility of Health Professionals. National report as part of the Europe Wide Seventh Framework Programme study
MacDonald, M. with Harvey, L., 1997, Mandatory Drug Testing in Prisons. Birmingham, CRQ and School of Sociology. ISBN 1859201112
Filby, M. and Harvey, L., 1989, ‘Recreational Betting: Individual Betting Profiles’, Leisure Studies, 8, pp. 219–227. ISSN 0261-4367
Filby, M. and Harvey, L., 1988, ‘Recreational Betting: Everyday Activity and Strategies’, Abridged version reprinted in Society for the Study of Gambling Newsletter, 14, November 1988, pp. 9–11
Filby, M. and Harvey, L., 1988, ‘Recreational Betting: Everyday Activity and Strategies’, Leisure Studies, 7, pp. 159–172. ISSN 0261-4367.
Quality, Employability, Methodology, Chicago School of Sociology, Social research (including prisons, health, gambling)
Art: The painitings of Lee Harvey
Recipes: No added salt or sugar recipes under constrcution