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Citation reference: Harvey, L., 2004-25, Analytic Quality Glossary, Quality Research International,
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Bologna Process
The Bologna Process is an ongoing process of integration and harmonisation of higher education systems within
The Bologna Process is integral to the development of the European Higher Education Area.
The Bologna Process website (ENQA, 2003) explains:
The construction of a European Higher Education Area (EHEA) by 2010 is one of the most important objectives of the European Ministers of Education to promote the co-operation of higher education institutions within Europe. Meanwhile, 33 signatory countries are aiming at implementing joint structures in the European higher education systems and have approved a range of objectives within the framework of the „Bologna process”. The mobility of students and teachers, the recognition of degrees and quality assurance of study programmes are to be improved. Furthermore, a structure based on two main cycles (undergraduate/graduate) and a system of credits such as ECTS are to be established. The first results of the implementation and priority-settings for the time up to the Berlin conference 2003 can be found in the final communiqué signed by the European Ministers of Education on the occasion of the Bologna follow-up meeting in Prague 2001
Note: as described below in associated issues, a separate OECD initiative linked to SMEs had also been launched with the title the
According to the University of Bologna (2005):
The Bologna process is an important process of harmonizing various systems of European higher education that has the objective to create a European Area of Higher Education and to promote the European system of higher education on a worldwide scale in order to increase its international competitiveness.
The Bologna Process is an intergovernmental initiative which aims to create by 2010 a European Higher Education Area (EHEA) based on three cycles: Degree/Bachelor– Master–Doctorate. As of 2006, it has 45 signatory countries.
The New York-based World Education Services, in 2003, stated:
According to the Council of
The Bologna Process is a European reform process aiming at establishing a European Higher Education Area by 2010. It is an unusual process in that it is loosely structured and driven by the 40 countries participating in it in cooperation with a number of international organisations, including the Council of
· it is easy to move from one country to the other (within the European Higher Education Area) – for the purpose of further study or employment;
the attractiveness of European higher education is increased so many people from non-European countries also come to study and/or work in
the European Higher Education Area provides
The Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) (undated ) Glossary states:
Bologna Declaration, Bologna Process: In the late 1990s education ministers in Europe undertook in a joint declaration (the Bologna Declaration) to establish a European area of higher education by 2010. This includes, for example, enabling students to study in other European countries, and ensuring that their qualifications and skills are transferable. The ongoing work to achieve this is the Bologna process.
The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA, undated) in the UK states:
Bologna Process:
An initiative to strengthen and develop the European Higher Education Area as a means of ensuring that qualifications are mutually recognised, systems are transparent and staff and students can transfer easily between higher education institutions in Europe.
The Bologna Process has continued beyond 2010. As a process it has continually evolved and the original termination year of 2010 simply acted as a benchmark against intended progress, albeit that there have been an expanding number of 'lines' of activity. The European Commission Education and Training (2011) site asserts (albeit in need of updating!):
Wikipedia, (2011) states:
The purpose of the Bologna Process (or Bologna Accords) is to create the European Higher Education Area by making academic degree standards and quality assurance standards more comparable and compatible throughout Europe, in particular under the Lisbon Recognition Convention. It is named after the place it was proposed, the University of Bologna in the Italian city of Bologna, with the signing in 1999 of the Bologna declaration by Ministers of Education from 29 European countries. This was opened up to other countries signatory to the European Cultural Convention of the Council of Europe; further governmental meetings have been held in Prague (2001), Berlin (2003), Bergen (2005), London (2007) and Leuven (2009).
Before the signing of the Bologna declaration, the Magna Charta Universitatum had been issued at a meeting of university rectors celebrating the 900th anniversary of the University of Bologna – and thus of (Western) European universities – in 1988. One year before the Bologna declaration, education ministers Claude Allegre (France), Jürgen Rüttgers (Germany), Luigi Berlinguer (Italy) and the Baroness Blackstone (UK) signed the Sorbonne declaration in Paris 1998, committing themselves to "harmonising the architecture of the European Higher Education system".
It is a common misconception that the Bologna Process is an EU initiative. The Bologna Process currently has 47 participating countries, whereas there are only 27 Member States of the EU. While the European Commission is an important contributor to the Bologna Process, the Lisbon Recognition Convention was actually prepared by the Council of Europe and members of the Europe Region of UNESCO.
World Education News & Reviews lists the following Bologna Documents
Precursor Agreements to the
The Magna Charta Universitatum (1988) Signed by the Rectors of European Universities in
Lisbon Recognition Convention (April 1997)
Sorbonne Declaration(May 1998)
Main Documents of the
Bologna Joint Declaration (June1999)
Salamanca Convention (March 2001)
Göteborg Declaration (March 2001)
Prague Communiqué of Ministers (May 2001)
Graz Declaration of the European University Association(May 2003)
Berlin Communiqué of Ministers (September 2003)
It also identifies the key players as:
EAIE (European Association for International Education):
ENQA (European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education, formerly the European Network for Quality Assurance):
ESU (formerly ESIB) (National Unions of Students in
EURASHE (European Association of Institutions in Higher Education):
Joint Quality Initiative
The Council of Europe (2005) noted that:
The Bologna Process is not based on an intergovernmental treaty. There are several documents that have been adopted by the ministers responsible for higher education of the countries participating in the Process, but these are not legally binding documents (as international treaties usually are). Therefore, it is the free will of every country and its higher education community to endorse or reject the principles of the Bologna Process, although the effect of “international peer pressure” should not be underestimated.
It is not foreseen that by 2010 all European countries should have the same higher education system. On the contrary, one of the very valued features of
In the review of the contributions in the first 15 years of the international journal Quality in Higher Education, Harvey and Williams (2010) write the following about the contributions that addressed the Bologna Process:
A few papers have focused directly on the Bologna process and its impact on quality assurance processes across Europe. Westerheijden (2001), as noted above, argued that the Bologna process was aimed at making European higher education more transparent and encouraging the development of clearer quality assurance processes. Van Der Wende and Westerheijden (2001) showed why and how the link between internationalisation and quality assurance has been established in recent years by looking at developments that suggest convergence between the two. The authors emphasised the implications of wider international developments on Europe as a whole and elaborated the implications of the Bologna Declaration for quality assurance. Ala-Vähälä and Saarinen (2009) argued that the ENQAs development to its current status as a European-level policy maker is to a great extent a result of the European Union’s policy of supporting European-level cooperation and transparency in the field of quality assurance. There has also, noted Asderaki (2009), been something of a demonisation of the Bologna process in some European countries but, arguably, it is this that has led to the establishment, by law, of quality assurance systems across Europe.
Ursin, Huusko, Aittola, Kiviniemi and Muhonen (2008) analysed the impact of the Bologna process on quality assessment in Finnish and Italian universities. The data consisted of interviews conducted in Finland and Italy. The results suggested that: evaluation and quality assurance were primarily seen in connection with the educational provision of the university; although the respondents were familiar with evaluation, they were unsure about the procedures and effects of quality assurance in their unit; and despite the harmonising aim of the Bologna process, evaluation, and quality assurance appeared to maintain distinct cultural and institutional features.
Rather confusingly, the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) launched another initiative relating to the promotion of small and medium enterprises (SMEs) under the label of the Bologna Process:
The Bologna Process is a mechanism to foster the entrepreneurial agenda and SME competitiveness at the global level. It brings together at present over 70 countries (including all APEC countries) and its backdrop is globalisation. One of the main objectives of the Bologna Process is to help governments facilitate entrepreneurs and SMEs worldwide in meeting the challenges and reaping the benefits of globalisation….
In June 2000, the OECD organised the first Ministerial-level international conference on SMEs in
The Bologna Conference was not a "one-off event" but a groundbreaking meeting which gave the OECD an incontestable role in the international arena in the area of SMEs.
Ala-Vähälä, T. and Saarinen, T., 2009, ‘Building European-level quality assurance structures: views from within ENQA’, Quality in Higher Education, 15(2), pp. 89–103.
Asderaki, F., 2009, ‘The impact of the Bologna Process on the development of the Greek quality assurance system’, Quality in Higher Education, 15(2), pp. 105–122. , 2011,
Bologna Process, 2008, Main documents. The official Bologna Process website July 2007–June 2010 at, acccessed 20 September 2012.
Council of
European Commission, Education and Training, The Lifelong Learning Programme 2007–2013, 2008, Glossary, available at last update: 11 April 2008, accessed 20 September 2012, not available 20 June 2019.
Harvey, L. and Williams, J. 2010, 'Fifteen Years of Quality in Higher Education', Quality in Higher Education, 16(1), pp. 4–36. Available here
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), undated, Glossary, available at, accessed 31 December 2016, not available 20 June 2019.
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), (undated), Building Partnerships for Progress, SMEs and Entrepreneurship The
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), undated, Glossary, available at, accessed 7 January 2017, not available 20 June 2019.
World Education Services, 2003, Explaining the Bologna Process to Non-Europeans, World Education News and Reviews, 16(5) September/October, available at