Analytic Quality Glossary A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Home
Citation reference: Harvey, L., 2004-25, Analytic Quality Glossary, Quality Research International,
This is a dynamic glossary and the author would welcome any e-mail suggestions for additions or amendments.
Degree is the core higher education award, which may be offered at various levels from foundation, through bachelors, masters to doctoral.
The term degree refers both to the award and the educational process leading to the award. In general, having a degree is shorthand for having completed a programme at study that leads to the first level of recognised higher education award in a country. In the
Higher Education Funding Council for
A course of higher education leading to the award of a bachelor's or master's degree.
This was changed by HEFCE (undated) to:
Degree course: A course of higher education leading to the award of a foundation, bachelor's or master's degree.
The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA, undated) in the UK:
Degree: A higher education qualification at one of several levels, determined by the depth and breadth of study and awarded only for achievement in full of the outcomes set out in the appropriate qualification descriptor in the relevant qualifications framework.
Degree: Diploma or title awarded to a student who completed a prescribed course of study.
Degree program: An organized sequence of classes that leads to the awarding of a college degree at the undergraduate or graduate level. (NTNC, 2002)
ICN (2003) defines:
degree program: an organized sequence of classes that leads to the awarding of a college degree at the undergraduate or graduate level.
The site of the Common Data Set of U.S. Higher Education Terminology (2010) states:
Degree: An award conferred by a college, university, or other postsecondary education institution as official recognition for the successful completion of a program of studies.
The Graduate Recruitment Bureau (2011) states:
Degree: Qualification awarded after the successful completion of undergraduate study. BA (Bachelor of Arts) for a first degree in Arts and BSc (Bachelor of Science) for a first degree in Science, are the two most common undergraduate degrees. Degrees can be studied as a single subject (single honours), two subjects (joint honours) or two or three subjects (combined honours).
Common Data Set of U.S. Higher Education Terminology, 2010, Glossary, available at, updated 10 November 2010, accessed 6 July 2012
Higher Education Authority (HEA) [of Ireland] 2004, Glossary
Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), 2003, About us: Glossary Updated
Indiana College Network (ICN), 2007, ?eGlossary?f, last modified
Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA), undated, Glossary, available at, accessed 7 January 2017, not available 20 June 2019.