Analytic Quality Glossary


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Citation reference: Harvey, L., 2004-24, Analytic Quality Glossary, Quality Research International,

This is a dynamic glossary and the author would welcome any e-mail suggestions for additions or amendments. Page updated 8 January, 2024 , © Lee Harvey 2004–2024.





External quality monitoring

core definition

External quality monitoring (EQM) is an all-encompassing term that covers a variety of quality-related evaluations undertaken by bodies or individuals external to higher education institutions.


explanatory context

EQM includes the following (Harvey and Knight, 1996):

·        Accreditation and evaluation of institutions, such as US regional accreditation;

·        External holistic assessment of institutional provision, such that undertaken by the Comité National d’Évaluation (CNE), in France;

·        External quality audit of internal quality assurance procedures, such as the QAA academic audits of institutions in the UK, formerly undertaken by the Quality Audit Division;

·        External audits of quality improvement work, such as the audits of Polytechnic quality procedures by the Finnish Higher Education Evaluation Council and the initial audits of the National Agency in Sweden;

·        Assessment of institutional provision, with associated ranking, such as the Australian Committee for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (CQAHE) process;

·        Validation (and periodic review) of programmes of study by central awarding bodies such as the procedures previously undertaken by the Council for National Academic Awards in the UK

·        Accreditation of courses in North America by non-governmental

·        voluntary associations;

·        Accreditation and validation of programmes of study by professional and regulatory bodies, such as the professional recognition in the UK;

·        External evaluations of teaching and learning provision at a programme or subject level, such as the assessment of subject area provision undertaken by the QAA in the UK or EVA in Denmark.

·        Evaluation and appraisal of research, such as the Research Assessment Exercise in the UK

·        Standards monitoring by external  examiners to monitor standards on postgraduate or undergraduate degrees in the Denmark, Ireland, New Zealand, Malaysia, UK and elsewhere.

analytical review

The German Institute of Internal Auditors (2002, p. 6), states:

External quality monitoring is an important component of quality management. 8 It provides the board, and other groups that rely on the work of the internal audit activity, with independent confirmation of the quality of work carried out. External quality monitoring should be performed by qualified persons who are independent of the organization, who have no conflict of interest, and to whom no such conflict could be imputed.

The QEPSE-Leonardo (2011) Glossary states:

External quality monitoring is an all-encompassing term that covers a variety of quality-related evaluations undertaken by bodies or individuals external to VET institutions.

Externes Qualitätsmonitoring ist ein umfassender Begriff, der eine Vielfalt von qualitätsbezogenen Evaluationen durch Körperschaften oder Einzelpersonen außerhalb von berufsbildenden Einrichtungen beinhaltet.

associated issues

related areas

See also

external evaluation


German Institute of Internal Auditors (IIR), 2002, IIR Audit Standard No. 3, ‘Quality Management in the internal audit activity’,  12 August 2002 Revisionsstandard_Nr._3_englisch.pdf, not available 14 July 2012

Harvey, L. &  Knight, P., 1996, Transforming Higher Education, Buckingham, Open University Press.

QEPSE-Leonardo, 2011, Glossary, available at, accessed 5 March 2011, not available 14 July 2012.

copyright Lee Harvey 2004–2024


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