Analytic Quality Glossary


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Citation reference: Harvey, L., 2004-24, Analytic Quality Glossary, Quality Research International,

This is a dynamic glossary and the author would welcome any e-mail suggestions for additions or amendments. Page updated 8 January, 2024 , © Lee Harvey 2004–2024.





Recognition of prior learning

core definition

Recognition of prior learning  is formal acknowledgement of previous learning, from informal as well as formal learning situations.

explanatory context

Recognition of prior learning is very similar to accreditation of prior learning.

analytical review

The UNESCO definition is:

Recognition of Prior Learning: The formal acknowledgement of skills, knowledge, and competencies that are gained through work experience, informal training, and life experience. (Vlãsceanu, et al., 2004, p. 55)


HEQC (2004, p. 28) defines:

Recognition of prior learning: Formal identification, assessment and acknowledgement of the full range of a person’s knowledge, skills and capabilities acquired through formal, informal or non-formal training, on-the-job or life experience.

associated issues


related areas

See also

accreditation of prior learning (APL)

accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL)


Council on Higher Education, Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC), 2004, Criteria for Institutional Audits, April (Pretoria, Council on Higher Education).

Vlãsceanu, L., Grünberg, L., and Pârlea, D., 2004, Quality Assurance and Accreditation: A Glossary of Basic Terms and Definitions (Bucharest, UNESCO-CEPES) Papers on Higher Education, ISBN 92-9069-178-6, available at, accessed 20 September 2012, still available 29 December 2016.

copyright Lee Harvey 2004–2024


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