Analytic Quality Glossary


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Citation reference: Harvey, L., 2004-25, Analytic Quality Glossary, Quality Research International,

This is a dynamic glossary and the author would welcome any e-mail suggestions for additions or amendments. Page updated 3 February, 2025 , © Lee Harvey 2004–2025.





Work-based learning

core definition

Work-based learning refers to any formal higher education learning that is based wholly or predominantly in a work setting.

explanatory context

Work-based learning is one form of work experience. Work-based learning is sometimes used to mean all types of work experience and often overlaps, in practical use, with the term work-related learning.

analytical review

Council on Higher Education, Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC) (2004, p. 29) defines work-based learning in a broad way that is closer to work-related learning.

Work-based learning : A component of a learning programme that focuses on the application of theory in an authentic, work-based context.  It addresses specific competences identified for the acquisition of a qualification, which relate to the development of skills that will make the learner employable and will assist in developing his/her personal skills.   Employer and professional bodies are involved in the assessment of experiential learning, together with academic staff.  

The Data Service (2008) defines work-based learning as follows:

Work Based Learning generally describes learning while a person is employed. The learning is usually based on the needs of the individual's career and employer, and can lead to nationally recognised qualifications.  

Bragg (undated) refers to the working definition by NCRVE researchers:

Work-based learning means instructional programs that deliberately use the workplace as a site for student learning. Work-based learning programs are formal, structured, and strategically organized by instructional staff, employers, and sometimes other groups to link learning in the workplace to students' college-based learning experiences. Work-based learning programs have formal instructional plans that directly relate students' worksite learning activities to their career goals. These experiences are usually but not always college-credit generating.  

associated issues


related areas

See also

co-operative education


work experience

work-related learning


Bragg, D., undated,Work-Based Learning in Two-Year Colleges: An American Tradition: Work in Progress at the University of Illinois available at, accessed 10 September 2012, page not available 12 January 2017.

Council on Higher Education, Higher Education Quality Committee (HEQC), 2004, Criteria for Institutional Audits, April (Pretoria, Council on Higher Education).

The Data Service, 2008, Work Based Learning (WBL) Business Definition available at accessed 10 September 2012, now archived at, accessed 11 January 2017, still available 15 May 2022.

copyright Lee Harvey 2004–2025


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