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Citation reference: Harvey, L., 2004-25, Analytic Quality Glossary, Quality Research International,
This is a dynamic glossary and the author would welcome any e-mail suggestions for additions or amendments.
Work-related learning
Work-related learning refers to any formal higher education learning that includes a period of learning that takes place in a work setting or involves activities linked to a work setting.
Work-related learning is one form of work experience. Work-related learning is often confused with work-based learning. Work-related learning may involve only limited contact with a work setting in the course of the programme, such as a two-week practical placement in a media studies degree, or an employer-linked practical project on an engineering degree. On the other hand it might involve a significant period of time in a work setting; for example nurse training in the
Sometimes work-related learning is called experiential learning or work-integrated learning
The Work Related Learning Report states:
With guidance, students of all ages can learn from their experiences in the world of work. If after reflection they can articulate these lessons, as part of the lifelong learning process, they should be able to apply them to the new opportunities they encounter in future work and in life. We have called this process ‘work-related learning’. This encompasses learning during term-time, in voluntary and paid employment, as well as sandwich courses and other academically recognised learning. (DfES/CIHE, 2002, p.6)
For Queens University Belfast (2005)
Work-related learning is defined as, 'learning outcomes achieved through activities which are based on, or derive from, the context of work or the workplace'. It is more inclusive than other terms such as work-relevant learning, work experience and work-based learning.
Department for Education and Skills and Council for Industry and Higher education (DfES/CIHE), 2002, The Work Related Learning Report, March,