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Citation reference: Harvey, L., 2012-25, Social Research Glossary, Quality Research International,
This is a dynamic glossary and the author would welcome any e-mail suggestions for additions or amendments.
An active disagreement between people with opposing opinions or principles that usually leads to violent acts of aggression.
Elwell's Glossary of Sociology (undated):
Conflict. A clash of interest (sometimes escalating to active struggle) between individuals, groups or society.
Conflict (conflictual): A view that sees society and social phenomena, past, present, and future, as a result of conflict (a social process). Conflict is seen as a creative, inevitable fact of social life and not merely a destructive avoidable deviation. Conflict is generally held to be inevitable because of the inherent limitation of a finite universe of "knowable" social reality and because of misunderstandings in communication. Conflict is usually direct conscious struggle between individuals or groups for the same goal (as compared with competition, which can take place without contact and individuals and groups being aware of others striving for the same goal) with the intent of the individuals or groups involved to inhibit the goal striving and goal attainment of others.
Social conflict: Open struggle over either values and meanings or property, income, and power, or both. Social conflict derives out of inequality of power and authority within and between social organizations.
See also: