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Citation reference: Harvey, L., 2012-25, Social Research Glossary, Quality Research International,
This is a dynamic glossary and the author would welcome any e-mail suggestions for additions or amendments.
Diachrony refers to the treatment of events that occur in sequence over time (that is, history).
Diachrony is usually contrasted with synchrony.
The difference can be seen using a musical analogy. The sequence of notes, or tune, is the diachronic progression. The harmony is the synchony.
In structuralist analysis the term metonymy (or metonymic) is sometimes used instead of diachrony (or diachronic).
Changing Minds 2002–2019 states
Diachrony is the change in the meaning of words over time.
For example in the way that 'magic' meant 'good' in youth culture for a period during the 1980s (and, to a lesser extent, beyond).
It is thus the study of language in terms of how it visibly changes in usage. It is based in the dictionary meaning of words.
A diachronic relationship is where related things exist separated by time. 12th century English and 21st century English have a diachronic relationship.
See also
Researching the Real World Section 5