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Citation reference: Harvey, L., 2012-25, Social Research Glossary, Quality Research International,
This is a dynamic glossary and the author would welcome any e-mail suggestions for additions or amendments.
Reading is the process of making sense of texts.
This entry focuses on 'reading' in the sense used by semiologists and other critical media analysts.
The University of Toronto (Duncan with O'Connor, nd) distinguishes reading from critical reading:
Referring to critical discourse analysis, Kress and van Leeuwen (2006, p. 14) explain reading:
The still growing enterprise of 'critical discourse analysis' seeks to show how language is used to convey power and status in contemporary social interaction, and how the apparently neutral, purely informative (linguistic) texts which emerge in newspaper reporting, government publications, social science reports, and so on, realize, articulate and disseminate 'discourses' as ideological positions just as much as do texts which more explicitly editorialize or propagandize. To do so we need to be able to 'read between the lines', in order to get a sense of what discursive/ideological position, what 'interest', may have given rise to a particular text, and maybe to glimpse at least the possibility of an alternative view. It is this kind of reading for which critical discourse analysis seeks to provide the ways and means. So far, however, critical discourse analysis has mostly been confined to language, realized as verbal texts, or to verbal parts of texts which also use other semiotic modes to realize meaning.
Open and closed texts: Eco (1979) refers to the reading of, what he calls, open texts and closed texts:
That codes will not always coincide does not bother the author of a closed text. Having posited the 'average' or model reader, texts that 'obsessively aim at arousing a precise response on the part of more or less precise empirical readers ... are in fact open to any possible 'aberrant' decoding. A text so immodestly 'open' to every possible interpretation will be called a CLOSED one.' (Eco, 1979, p. 8). Superman, Fleming's James Bond novels, and Sue's work as well as soap operas belong to this closed category. 'They apparently aim at pulling the reader along a predetermined path, carefully displaying their efforts so as to arouse pity or fear, excitement or depression at the due place and at the right moment'. (Eco, 1979, p. 8). However, such texts while pre-planned do not plan the reader. Superman can be read as a new form of romance but can also be read in other ways—each independent of the others. This cannot happen with OPEN texts (such as Finnegan's Wake) because it outlines a 'closed' project of its model reader as a 'component of its structural strategy'. 'It is possible to be stupid enough to read Kafka's 'Trial' as a trivial criminal novel, but at this point the text collapses'. (Eco, 1979, p. 9–10). An open text is thus nothing else but 'the semantic-pragmatic production of its own model reader'.
See also
Researching the Real World Section 1
Eco, U., 1979, The Role of the Reader, Bloomington, Indiana University Press.
Kress, G. and van Leeuwen, T., 2006, Reading Images : The grammar of visual design, Second edition, New York, Routledge.