Social Research Glossary A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Home
Citation reference: Harvey, L., 2012-24, Social Research Glossary, Quality Research International,
This is a dynamic glossary and the author would welcome any e-mail suggestions for additions or amendments.
Vital statistics
Vital statistics are records of vital events, including demographic events (e.g. births, deaths) and changes in civil status (e.g. marriage, divorce).
Vital statistics are usually compiled on the basis of legally required registrations and/or periodic censuses of the population. In Britain, the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys publishsd such statistics on a regular basis in summary form.
Although not universal, the kinds of events recorded in vital statistics are births, stillbirths, child mortality, deaths (by causes), age of death, morbidity statistics (notifications of infectious diseases, etc.), marriages, divorces, annulments, adoptions, immigration, emigration, and so on.
This information is the basis for demographic analysis, both static (e.g. the population at a given date) and dynamic (the changes in age composition, birth rates, etc.)
Vital statistics: Records of births, deaths, marriages, and divorces gathered through a registration system maintained by governmental units.
See also