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© Lee Harvey 2018, 2019, 2024, page updated 8 January, 2024

A novel of twists and surprises

Institutional Case Studies

This case study was as listed in the original 2004 edition of ESECT tools

University of Central Lancashire: Strategic Approaches to Delivering Employability throughout the University of Central Lancashire, with particular reference to Academic Policy.

The University of Central Lancashire has a long tradition of developing innovative methods of delivering employability. In 1996 the University set up a Career Development unit, renamed Centre for Employability in 2000 to co-ordinate and deliver employability curricula and projects. The Centre seeks to help people to develop not only the subject specific expertise found in a modern university course but also a complementary set of knowledge, skills and attributes such as self assessment, reflection and career management which will enable them to participate flexibly and innovatively in rapidly changing working environments and technologies. The University's Strategic plan "Access to Excellence" reinforces the importance of employability to its future development.

Click here for the case study (RWUCLAN.pdf).


Institutional case studies

Tool to create your own case study and submit it to the website


Target Audience
Institutional managers and programme developers
Tool Type
Case Studies of employability development
Copyright Issues
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© Lee Harvey and Tamsin Bowers-Brown, 2004 © Lee Harvey 2011, page updated 18 April, 2011