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© Lee Harvey 2018, 2019, 2024, page updated 8 January, 2024

A novel of twists and surprises

Alumni Survey Questionnaire

NOTE: This is presented as an interactive survey for illustrative purposes and you can fill it in for test purposes but you cannot submit it to the University of Leeds.

Alumni Survey - Graduates of 200....

Department of .....

This survey is one means by which the University is trying to keep in touch with our alumni during their later careers. By completing this questionnaire you will help us understand better the links between curriculum, learning experiences and career outcomes. We will draw on this information when reviewing our teaching and support for future students.

We appreciate the time you give to helping us with this exercise. All responses will, of course, be treated in confidence. The identifying number will only be used to check on responses and reminders. We are enclosing a reply paid envelope.

Unless otherwise indicated, please respond to questions by clicking the appropriate answer.
1a Please give the title of the programme on which you were enrolled at the University of Leeds, and indicate whether you attended full-time, part-time or in sandwich mode.

Programme title (e.g., BA Hons (Music)):

Sandwich mode
1b What was your degree classification?

Honours Class 1
Honours Class 2(i)
Honours Class 2(ii)
Honours Class 3
Pass degree

2(a) The following list refers to factors which may have influenced your decision to enrol on your Leeds degree programme. Please read through the list and tell us which of these was the ONE main factor that influenced your choice.

I was advised to do so by a careers teacher or adviser
It appeared an interesting programme
The programme seemed to be very good academically
It suited my prior education and experience
I was very interested in the overall field
I wanted the opportunity to study a Combined Honours programme
I wanted to expand my general knowledge
I expected it would lead to an interesting job after graduation
Studying this subject would help me to bring about changes in society
Already committed to an occupation and I needed this degree for career progression
I thought Leeds would be a nice city and a good place to live
The University seemed to welcome mature students
The University has a good reputation
I was offered a place through the UCAS clearing system
Other (please write in)

2(b) Please read through the list and tell us what other factors (if any) influenced your choice.

I was advised to do so by a careers teacher or adviser
It appeared an interesting programme
The programme seemed to be very good academically
It suited my prior education and experience
I was very interested in the overall field
I wanted the opportunity to study a Combined Honours programme
I wanted to expand my general knowledge
I expected it would lead to an interesting job after graduation
Studying this subject would help me to bring about changes in society
Already committed to an occupation and I needed this degree for career progression
I thought Leeds would be a nice city and a good place to live
The University seemed to welcome mature students
The University has a good reputation
I was offered a place through the UCAS clearing system
Other factors (please write in)
3 Please show the highest qualification you held when you started your course at the University

No formal educational qualification
GCSEs, GCE O-levels, or equivalent
GCE A-levels, or equivalent
ONC/OND, BTEC national certificates and diplomas, or equivalent
HNC/HND, BTEC higher national certificates and diplomas, or equivalent
Qualification above GCE A-level, or equivalent
Completion of an adult Access Course to Higher Education
Other qualification(s) (please write in)

4a How important in your long-term career strategy is each of the following?
Please answer for each statement.

  Very important Fairly
Not very
No opinion
Getting an interesting job
Improving my social status
Continuing to use my chosen discipline
Achieving a very good standard of living
Supporting a family
Having secure employment
Being my own boss
4b Here are a number of statements about long-term career plans. For each one, would you please say whether it is very important, fairly important or not very important to you

  Very important Fairly
Not very
No opinion
Opportunity to work with people
High salary
Plenty of leisure time .
High job security
Opportunity to help others
High prestige and social status
Opportunity for continuing professional development
Flexible working hours
The opportunity to be creative and original
Relative freedom from supervision by others
The chance to exercise leadership
Work which is continually challenging
5 What is your current employment status?

Full-time employee
Part-time employee
Self employed
In full-time study or training
Unemployed but with a paid job arranged
Unemployed but with further study arranged
Unpaid voluntary work

Not currently seeking employment because of

Ill health
Family responsibilities
Other (write in)

6 Nature of present job — if currently unemployed or in full-time study, please go to question 10.

a What is your current job?
(Please be specific, e.g. assistant manager, trainee chartered accountant, production engineer, sales assistant etc.)

b When did you start it?

Start date (month/year):

c Is your present job

Temporary ? (a contract for 3 months or less)
Fixed Term? (a contract for more than 3 months)

7 Do you feel that you are over-qualified or under- qualified for the job you currently have?

Over qualified
Qualification about right
Under qualified

8 How likely is it that this type of work will form your long term career?

Very likely - go to Q.10
Fairly likely - go to Q.10

Not very likely - go to Q.9
Don’t know - go to Q.9

9 If not very likely (Q.8), what kind of work would you prefer to do in the long term? (please write in)

10 Please list any other full-time paid jobs you have had since completing your studies, starting with the most recent.

11 Here are a number of opportunities provided by jobs. Taking your current (or most recent) job, does/did it provide each of these opportunities to a great extent, somewhat or only a little?

  A great
Somewhat A little/ not at all No Opinion/ not relevant
A high degree of work autonomy
Opportunity to use initiative
A lot of responsibility
Opportunity for professional development
A strong possibility of rapid promotion
The opportunity to be creative and original
The chance to exercise leadership
Work which is continually challenging
Supervising other staff
Work within clearly defined rules and regulations
Communicating with clients/customers
12 In relation to current (or most recent) job requirements, do you now feel that your degree course gave you sufficient opportunity to develop your skills in each of the following areas:

  A great
Somewhat A little/ not at all No Opinion/ not relevant
Dealing with people
Writing reports
Interpreting statistical data
Understanding financial matters
Using Information Technology/computers
Oral presentation skills
Awareness of cross-cultural issues
13 How satisfied were you with the following facilities and services at the University of Leeds?

  Very satisfied Fairly
Not very
No opinion/
not relevant
Classroom teaching accommodation
Practical work teaching accommodation
Catering and rest-break facilities
Necessary IT/computer facilities
Library facilities
Availability of essential reading materials
Academic guidance by tutors
Career guidance services
Specialist counselling services
Access Fund or other emergency financial help
Child care facilities
Recreational and sports facilities
University’s residential accommodation
Any other facilities you wish to comment on (please write in, and rate)
14 Increasingly employers are interested in graduates with general as well as specialist skills. Below is a list of such general skills.
How highly do you rate your own ability in respect of each of these skills?

Not very
The ability to communicate clearly in speech
The ability to communicate clearly in writing
The ability to analyse and interpret quantitative data
The ability to apply what has been learned in a wider context
General creative and imaginative powers
Problem-solving strategies and skills
Independence of viewpoint and judgment
Critical self-awareness

15 Increasingly employers are interested in graduates with general as well as specialist skills. Below is a list of such general skills.
How do you rate the contribution of your degree programme to the development of these skills?

Not very
The ability to communicate clearly in speech
The ability to communicate clearly in writing
The ability to analyse and interpret quantitative data
The ability to apply what has been learned in a wider context
General creative and imaginative powers
Problem-solving strategies and skills
Independence of viewpoint and judgment
Critical self-awareness
Questions 16-20 relate to a range of general communication, management and personal skills that are required (to some extent at least) in most jobs, and in further study or training. Such skills may also facilitate continuing learning, employability and effective career planning.
16 How important are the following communication skills in your current/most recent job (or further study), and to what extent did your degree programme enhance each of these skills?

How important are the following in your job?

  Very Fairly Not Very
Adopting a positive and helpful manner
Pitching communications at the appropriate level
for recipients
Giving information clearly and concisely
Putting forward a point of view persuasively
Listening effectively
Selecting the most appropriate and effective
method of communication
Giving a formal presentation to a group
Seeking opinions and appreciating others’ views
Giving feedback and constructive criticism
Accepting feedback and constructive criticism
Any other related skills (please write in and rate)

To what extent did your degree programme enhance these skills?

  A great deal Quite a lot Not much
Adopting a positive and helpful manner
Pitching communications at the appropriate level
for recipients
Giving information clearly and concisely
Putting forward a point of view persuasively
Listening effectively
Selecting the most appropriate and effective
method of communication
Giving a formal presentation to a group
Seeking opinions and appreciating others’ views
Giving feedback and constructive criticism
Accepting feedback and constructive criticism
Any other related skills (please write in and rate)
17 How important are the following general management skills in your current/most recent job (or further study), and to what extent did your degree programme enhance each of these skills?

How important are the following in your job?

  Very Fairly Not Very
Prioritising work
Making good use of information
Identifying and obtaining appropriate resources
Adopting a methodical approach
Keeping people informed
Regularly reviewing progress and responding accordingly
Exercising control over resources to ensure efficiency and economy
Anticipating problems
Investigating why a problem has arisen or may arise
Identifying options for dealing with a problem
Weighing up alternatives
Any other related skills (please write in and rate)

To what extent did your degree programme enhance these skills?

  A great deal Quite a lot Not much
Prioritising work
Making good use of information
Identifying and obtaining appropriate resources
Adopting a methodical approach
Keeping people informed
Regularly reviewing progress and responding accordingly
Exercising control over resources to ensure efficiency and economy
Anticipating problems
Investigating why a problem has arisen or may arise
Identifying options for dealing with a problem
Weighing up alternatives
Any other related skills (please write in and rate)
18 How important are the following people management skills in your current/most recent job (or further study), and to what extent did your degree programme enhance each of these skills?

How important are the following in your job?

  Very Fairly Not Very
Planning and assigning tasks
Identifying tasks for delegation
Setting realistic objectives
Making good use of individuals’ particular strengths
Encouraging ideas
Encouraging a positive attitude to change
Communicating information and instructions
Recognising achievement
Evaluating individuals’ progress
Providing appropriate support
Any other related skills (please write in and rate)

To what extent did your degree programme enhance these skills?

  A great deal Quite a lot Not much
Planning and assigning tasks
Identifying tasks for delegation
Setting realistic objectives
Making good use of individuals’ particular strengths
Encouraging ideas
Encouraging a positive attitude to change
Communicating information and instructions
Recognising achievement
Evaluating individuals’ progress
Providing appropriate support
Any other related skills (please write in and rate)
19 How important are the following personal skills and competencies in your current/most recent job (or further study), and to what extent did your degree programme enhance each of these skills?

How important are the following in your job?

  Very Fairly Not Very
Applying specialist knowledge and skills effectively
Keeping abreast of developments in the general work area
Recognising your own learning needs
Learning from experience
Learning from others
Finding information using information technology
Using information technology to communicate (e.g. email)
Any other related skills (please write in and rate)

To what extent did your degree programme enhance these skills?

  A great deal Quite a lot Not much
Applying specialist knowledge and skills effectively
Keeping abreast of developments in the general work area
Recognising your own learning needs
Learning from experience
Learning from others
Finding information using information technology
Using information technology to communicate (e.g. email)
Any other related skills (please write in and rate)
20 How important are the following motivational skills in your current/most recent job (or further study), and to what extent did your degree programme enhance each of these skills?

How important are the following in your job?

  Very Fairly Not Very
Looking for ways of developing your role at work
Approaching a task with determination
Being prepared to take on difficult or unrewarding tasks
Using responsibility for self development
Trying not to be discouraged by difficulties
Knowing when to seek help
Explaining and accounting for results      
Acknowledging mistakes and learning from them
Any other related skills (please write in and rate)

To what extent did your degree programme enhance these skills?

  A great deal Quite a lot Not much
Looking for ways of developing your role at work
Approaching a task with determination
Being prepared to take on difficult or unrewarding tasks
Using responsibility for self development
Trying not to be discouraged by difficulties
Knowing when to seek help
Explaining and accounting for results      
Acknowledging mistakes and learning from them
Any other related skills (please write in and rate)

Now, some details about yourself
21 How old are you?

21 - 24
25 - 29
30 - 34
35 and over

22 Are you


23 What would you say your ethnic group is?

Black Caribbean
Black African
Black (other)
Other ethnic
group (write in)

24 What is your mother tongue?

Other language (write in)

25 Do you have any disabilities which affect your access to work or study?


25a If Yes to Q.25, please indicate which of the following disabilities you have

hearing difficulties
partial sight or blindness
a physical disability which restricts mobility
any other disability or chronic condition

26 Since graduating from the University of Leeds, have you gained, or are you studying for further qualifications?


26a If so, please indicate which:

Studying for

Postgraduate Diploma
Master’s degree
Professional qualification
Other (please write in)


Postgraduate Diploma
Master’s degree
Professional qualification
Other (please write in)
26b Please write in the subject of your further study

27 Have you received any training for your current job from your employer?

Not working for an employer
No, none
Yes (write in subjects, e.g. management training)

27a If Yes to Q.27, how was the training provided?

on-the-job training, with supervision
formal, one-off training sessions
systematic, longer training programme

The final section of the questionnaire contains some general questions about your study at the University of Leeds
28a What were the most useful aspects of your study in relation to skills and abilities needed within the workplace?

28b Which skills (if any) gained during your studies would you now like to develop further?
28c What were the least useful aspects of your study in relation to skills and abilities needed within the workplace?
28d What new skills are you likely to have to acquire in the short to medium term (e.g., within the next 5 years)?
29 Are there any further comments you would like to make about your time at the University of Leeds?
Thank you for your help in returning this completed questionnaire to the University of Leeds

Survey © University of Leeds