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© Lee Harvey 2018, 2019, 2024, page updated 8 January, 2024

A novel of twists and surprises


Context material is delivered as part of the curriculum, and delivers the academic content of the programme specification:

  • student learning can be assessed and accredited;
  • student learning should be debriefed through a supported process;
  • academic staff extend their approach to teaching and learning.

Context material is developed within a partnership of academic staff and employers to provide real-world data and provides:

  • academic staff in universities with awareness of the workplace;
  • employers with an understanding of teaching issues.

Audiences (the following noted in the 2004 version)

The Higher Education Academy Physical Sciences Subject Centre had been developing and using Context Materials for their subject community but the Subject Centres were shortsightedly disbanded in the revamp of the HEA in 2011.