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Developing the HE Curriculum for Entrepreneurship: Audit Tool

The entrepreneurship audit tool provides programme leaders with a means to assess the extent to which their programme addresses entrepreneurship.

Why should higher education be interested in entrepreneurship?

What is Entrepreneurship?

Entrepreneurship has been defined as, 'the process of uncovering and developing an opportunity to create value through innovation' (NCE, 2003).

This definition of entrepreneurship is useful for the emphasis it places upon:

  • identifying an opportunity for innovation and change, such as setting up a new firm, possibly in a niche market not currently served or served insufficiently;
  • creating a good or service that is valuable (exchangeable for money);
  • having, or developing the capacities (skills, abilities and aptitudes) necessary for success;
  • being committed to taking up the opening: a form of ‘dispositional autonomy.

Such a definition allows us to locate entrepreneurs across all sectors of society, and not just the economy. Ball (1994) for instance, uses the term ‘policy entrepreneur’ to refer to a person who identifies and sponsors a development in social or government policy or service provision. Other examples are social entrepreneurs and eco-entrepreneurs.

A related concept is that of INTRAPRENEURSHIP.

Other Entrepreneurship Frequently Asked Questions

Entrepreneurship Audit

Put simply, an audit is a review and analysis of an area of activity, which in this case is a review of current provision for entrepreneurship within your subject.

Following your review and analysis of the Entrepreneurship Audit, you are provided with a development priority process to assist your planning for further development.

The Entrepreneurship Audit Tool (Entrepreneurship tool.doc) covers two aspects. The first aspect of Entrepreneurship is personal skills and capabilities. The second aspect concerns actual curriculum provision and processes. For a complete overview you need to cover both aspects, though obviously you need only to do those aspects that are important and/or necessary for you.

If graduates want to work in such innovative entrepreneurial or intrapreneurial environments, then it is important for them to develop and utilise a variety of capabilities, such as:

  • initiative;
  • working independently;
  • team working;
  • working under pressure;
  • communication skills,
  • time management;
  • adaptability;
  • attention to detail;
  • taking responsibility and decisions;
  • planning co-ordinating and organising.

See also Suggested Entrepreneurship Curriculum Developments

Author: Neil Moreland


(Entrepreneurship tool.doc)

Target Audience
Programme leaders and developers

Tool Type
Tool for Developing the HE Curriculum for Entrepreneurship

Copyright Issues
Neil Moreland


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