Analytic Quality Glossary A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Home
Citation reference: Harvey, L., 2004-25, Analytic Quality Glossary, Quality Research International,
This is a dynamic glossary and the author would welcome any e-mail suggestions for additions or amendments.
A stakeholder is a person (or group) that has an interest in the activities of an institution or organisation.
In the context of higher education quality, stakeholders are those groups that have inter alia an interest in the quality of provision and standard of outcomes. These include government, employers, students, academic and administrative staff, institutional managers, prospective students and their parents, taxpayers.
Campbell and Rozsnyai (2002, p. 133) define it as:
Stakeholder: Students, society, and government participating in or benefiting from the provision of education.
Maassen (2000) suggests that:
According to some definitions stakeholders in higher education mean specific groups of external actors that have a direct or indirect interest in higher education and cannot always be covered by the consumer-provider analogy. New stakeholders have penetrated a traditional monopolistic relationship between the state and public higher education institutions with two main characteristics. Firstly, the role of the external actors has become more important in last few decades. Secondly, the influence of these external actors has also grown with respect to internal affairs of individual higher education institutions
Campbell, C. & Rozsnyai, C., 2002, Quality Assurance and the Development of Course Programmes. Papers on Higher Education Regional University Network on Governance and Management of Higher Education in South East Europe Bucharest, UNESCO.
Maassen, P., 2000, 'Editorial'. European Journal of Education, 4, pp. 377–83.