
© Lee Harvey 2022


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8 chicken thighs and 8 chicken drumsticks (or preferred selection of thighs and drumsticks)
2 large onions peeled and thinly sliced
500g charlotte or other small potatoes
2tsp fennel seeds
2tsp ground corriander
0.5tsp ground turmeric
3 cardamom pods, cracked open and seeds removed
400g tin of coconut milk
8 curry leaves
150g trimmed dwarf beans
150g endamame or broad beans
2 tbsp ready-made crispy onions
2tbsp corriander leaves for garnish

Marinade ingredients:
2 limes, zested and juiced
1 crushed garlic clove
25mm fresh ginger crushed (or 1tsp ground ginger)
2 tbsp sunflower oil
1 tsp garam masala
2 tsp ground corriander
1 tsp ground turmeric
0.5 tsp chilli powder or cayenne pepper (optional)


1. Mix the ingredients for the marianade, (lime zest and juice, crushed garlic, crushed ginger, spices, sunflower oil) it should be runny but of a thick consistency so it sticks to the chicken.  
2. Brush the chicken thighs and drum sticks back and front with the marianade. Place in a dish in the refrigerator and leave for a minimum of two hours (or overnight).
3. Line the baking tray with the slided onions.
4. Lay the chicken pieces on top of the onions.
5. Put the potatoes in the dish the chicken came from and roll them around to pick up the remains of the marinade.
6. Add the potatoes to the roasting pan and place in a hot oven (200C/fan 180C/gas 6) for 45 minutes, until the meat and potatoes goes golden.
7. Meanwhile whisk the fennel, cardamom seeds. ground turmeric and ground corriander in the coconut milk then add the curry leaves.
8. Pour the coconut milk mixture over the chicken and replace in the oven for another 20 minutes.
9. Stir in the beans and cook for another 30 minutes, then spinkle the ready made crispy onions on top, cook for another two minutes.
10. Remove from the oven, sprinkle with the corriander leaves and serve.





Time: 2 hours including cooking plus minimum 2 hours marinade time

Requires: large non-stick roasting tray

Serves: four