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© Lee Harvey 2018, 2019, 2024, page updated 8 January, 2024

A novel of twists and surprises

Institutional Case Studies

This case study was as listed in the original 2004 edition of ESECT tools

University of Glamorgan: Planning for Employability

This Planning for Employability initiative is articulated through the delivery of an institutional Employability Development Plan (EDP).

Inclusive development which has had a positive impact in raising the understanding and profile of employability as a theme for delivery throughout the curriculum.

The development of the EDP addresses the need to inform the synergy between the strategy for learning & teaching and the emerging need to develop plans that impact on the economy and society (Third Mission).

The EDP is informed by the mission statement and strategic goals of the University, and aims to enhance the employability of students and graduates.

Three themes have been highlighted in the EDP as facilitating a closer working relationship between students/graduates and employers.

Facilitated a close working relationship between central services, such as the Careers Centre and all academic schools.

Download the Glamorgan case study here (Glamorganuniversity.pdf)
Download the employability development plan here (GLAMORGAN edp attachment.doc).

Institutional case studies

Tool to create your own case study and submit it to the website


Target Audience
Institutional managers and programme developers
Tool Type
Case Studies of employability development
Copyright Issues
Euros Evans

© Lee Harvey and Tamsin Bowers-Brown, 2004 © Lee Harvey 2011, page updated 18 April, 2011