2.2.1 Background and core concepts The centrality of cause and effect
Guide The social context from which positivism derived The 'scientific method'
Study Point
Write down what you consider to be the key characteristics of science. Compare your answer with the two versions (inductivism and deductivism) below? Inductive science
If a large number of As have been observed under a wide variety of conditions and if all those observed As without exception possessed the property B, all As have the property B. Deductive science
For a practical example of deductive and inductive analysis see
CASE STUDY: Durkheim's study of suicide: inductive or deductive? Falsificationism Paradigms
Study Point
Examine the list you made earlier of the key characteristics of science. Which model of science does your list resemble? (It is quite likely that it will resemble inductivism as this is closest to a common sense understanding of science).