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© Lee Harvey 2018, 2019, 2024, page updated 8 January, 2024

A novel of twists and surprises

Institutional Case Studies

This case study was as listed in the original 2004 edition of ESECT tools

Sheffield Hallam University: Employability framework

The Case Study focuses on Sheffield Hallam University's new Employability Framework. This relates to existing policies and frameworks and is based on many years of practice. It defines employability and articulates the features that should be embedded in the curriculum in order to encourage it. We believe that such embeddedness is the only way to support the diversity of our students. The Case Study also describes how that Framework has been developed and in doing so describes those aspects of the University's infrastructure that have enabled it. It summarises a very 'joined up' approach, which builds on and pulls together a range of practices in developing important aspects of employability. For Sheffield Hallam University, the employability of its students is central to its values and vision and the University has a long tradition of vocational and professional education.

Click to download the Sheffield Hallam Case study
Click to download the employability framework.

Institutional case studies

Tool to create your own case study and submit it to the website


Target Audience
Institutional managers and programme developers
Tool Type
Case Studies of employability development
Copyright Issues
Sue Drew

© Lee Harvey and Tamsin Bowers-Brown, 2004 © Lee Harvey 2011, page updated 18 April, 2011