

Which Tool Should I Use?

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© Lee Harvey 2018, 2019, 2025, page updated 3 February, 2025

A novel of twists and surprises

Which tool should I use?

1. How can I persuade colleagues that employability is about more than just employment?

2. How can I find out what my colleagues think employability is?

3. Is there a way to find out what my students know about employability?

4. How can I prioritise employability outcomes?

5. How can I help my students improve their self-confidence and self-esteem?

6. How can I help my students to think about the qualities and skills they have?

7. How do I assess employability?

8. How can I improve the ways in which I assess employability?

9. What assessment methods are good for employability?

10. How can I make adjustments to the curriculum to make it more employability friendly?

11. How can I help my students to think about what they're learning, and how they're developing - 'over and above' what they're getting from studying a particular subject?

12. Do my students think they can make a difference in situations that confront them?

13.What can teachers and curriculum designers do to enhance students' effectiveness in college and work?

14.My students haven't the time to go on work experience, what can I do in the classroom?

15.How can I get my students interested in employability?

16.What opportunities are there for students to gain credit in some form for achievements bearing on employability?

17.How can I find out what our graduates are doing now, and whether they're using what they learnt in HE?

18.Where can I find out about how institutions like mine are developing institutional approaches to employability?

19.How can I find out what employability measures are going on in courses throughout the university?

20.What is the best way to find out whether employability skills are embedded in the curriculum?

21.How are we encouraging and assessing the development of employability skills?

22.Exactly where and how are we helping students develop which skills?

23.How can I get my students to think about the skills and attributes employers want?

24.Is there any research about what employers want from graduate students?

25.How can I help my students get 'inside the heads' of recruiters, and know what they're looking for?

26.What is entrepreneurship?

27.How can I review current provision for entrepreneurship within my course?