

Which Tool Should I Use?

Employability Sites

Employability Briefing, Reports and Guides

Conference: Enhancing Student Experience

About Esect

Related papers on employability



© Lee Harvey 2018, 2019, 2024, page updated 8 January, 2024

A novel of twists and surprises


The Employability Tool and Resource Kit is an interactive website that is intended for use by anyone who is interested in employability and higher education. For the ESECT definition of employability click here.

This site was 'lost' when, at the end of the ESECT project, it was migrated to the Higher Education Academy site. It has subsequently been rebuilt as originally designed but with updates and the deletion of links to lost web pages. The text sometimes refers to the '2004 vesion of the ESECT tools site', which was the original formuation.

The aim is to further develop this website and readers' suggestions for new links and material are requested. There may still be missing links and some work still to do, not least because it is intended to maintain this as a dynamic site.

Using the site

Some tools will be more useful for staff in higher education institutions, whilst other resources may be more appropriate for use by students or by employers.

There are two ways to use this website:

if you know which tool you want to use, please go straight to the tools and resources page;

if you are unsure about the tool that is most suited to your needs, please click on the 'Which tool should I use?' link.

This website was originally produced by the Centre for Research and Evaluation, Sheffield Hallam University and High Tide Productions as part of the work of the ESECT team. These two organisa
tions are now defunct and the update is by Quality Research International.