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© Lee Harvey 2018, 2019, 2024, page updated 8 January, 2024

A novel of twists and surprises

Suggested Entrepreneurship Curriculum Developments

Many of the attributes of an entrepreneur are similar to those expected of graduates generally. They involve developing and assessing students' capabilities and skills in areas such as communication and time management.

Students intent on self-employment would benefit greatly from university provision to assist them in deciding their futures. This might take various forms, including the following.

  • Awards/courses that intertwine subject and entrepreneurship learning, perhaps with an appropriate title that reflects the nature of the studies.
  • Core and/or optional career orientation modules.
  • Specialised work experience and matching assessment methods.
  • Modules on product and service design, marketing and market research, business plan development, finance and management aspects, stock control, networking and other related business topics relevant to their subject base and employment opportunities.
  • Instruction on information sources about enterprise and start-up schemes, taxation, legal and associated requirements.
  • Enterprise and Incubator clubs and opportunities.
  • Opportunities to meet and interact with current entrepreneurs and mentors within their area of interest.
  • Additional optional out-of-class activities and programmes such as the Shell Livewire programme (accessible January 2017) that provides the space for students to participate in entrepreneurship opportunities.
Related Documents

Related Websites
Useful web sites related to Entrepreneurship

Author: Neil Moreland


(entrepreneruship toolkit.doc)