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© Lee Harvey 2018, 2019, 2024, page updated 8 January, 2024

A novel of twists and surprises

Mapping or auditing employability

There are various tools that help institutions or parts of institutions (faculties, departments, schools) identify the extent of the employability development opportunities they offer students. These may be directed specifically at, for example, the embedding of employability development in the curriculum or they may be wider in scope, embracing all aspects of employability enhancement, including work experience, central support services as well as curriculum-based activities.

Audit and other mapping tools maybe simple open-ended schemas or tightly structured questionnaires. Although primarily focussed on the institution, audits could also be undertaken at a subject level, cutting across institutional provision.

In addition, audits might be undertaken at a national level, as in the case of the audit in Wales and the subsequent Work Experience and Employability Plans developed by Welsh institutions.

Examples of audits and other employability mapping tools

The Learning and Teaching Institute and the Centre for Research and Evaluation at Sheffield Hallam University sent a pilot questionnaire to all course leaders to find out whether the university was assessing, giving feedback and including employability measures in courses. A copy of the report is available here (A report of the Employability Audit-SHU.doc). The questionnaire has been amended since the pilot and with small adaptations you can use it in your own institution. The questionnaire is available here (Employability_finalquestionnaire.pdf).

The University of Central England Careers Service had webpages designed to offer advice to enable academics to map how to help students develop employability skills. The following documents can be downloaded to show how UCE (now Birmingham City University) organised an event to conduct an audit:
Employability for Musicians
(Delivering employability for Musicians - outline for Cons day1.doc)
Enhancing the quality of your curriculum
(workshop plan May 7th 04.doc)
Delivering employability staff development day
(plan for full day.doc)



Related Documents
Employability for Musicians
Enhancing the quality of your curriculum
Delivering employability staff development day

Related Weblinks
UK Centre for Bioscience

Mapping Employability


Target Audience
Those involved in developing employability in the curriculum.

Tool Type
Tuning Tools
Assessment analysis tool
Self efficacy tool

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