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© Lee Harvey 2018, 2019, 2024, page updated 8 January, 2024

A novel of twists and surprises

Prizes and Awards

There are a number of prizes and awards available for employability. Some are
institution-specific awards and some are prizes available to any institution.

Examples of Institution-Specific Awards

Employability Prize, Institute for the Environment, Brunel University, details available at, accessed 13 January 2017

The Cardiff Award for employability at Cardiff University, details available at, accessed 13 January 2017, no longer available 8 January 2024.

The Leicester Award for Employability encompasses a range of employability courses and experiences available to University of Leicester students, details available at, accessed 13 January 2017, no longer available 8 January 2024.

The National Undergraduate Employability Awards (started 2009), formerly known as the National Placement & Internship Awards, is run by RMP Enterprise, sponsored by PwC and supported by AGR and AGCAS. Further details available at, accessed 13 January 2017, still available 8 January 2024.

The Essex Skills Award
The Essex Skills Award has been discontinued. It ran from 2000–2005.

The Warwick Skills Certificate
In 2004 the site noted that the Warwick Skills Certificate attracts 30 credits at Level 1, built up from modules typically attracting 10 credits. The students can select from a wide range of available modules. The modules are offered in the evenings and weekends.

Details of the Warwick Skills Certificate no longer appear to be available

The York Award
In 2004 it was noted that: The York Award is a certificated programme of transferable skills training and experiential learning, offered by the University of York in partnership with leading public, private and voluntary sector organisations. Students have to gain a total of 100 points from a menu of courses whose points tariffs range from 5 to 20. Most of the courses include an assessed component. The web page for the York Award is no longer available (16 April 2011)

The Personal Development Award (University of Exeter) and Earn and Learn Award (University of Plymouth)

These two awards, which are not credit-bearing, derive from the JEWELS project (phases I and II), which ran at the two universities until 2002. The web site appears to no longer exist (16 April 2011).

An alternative approach, based on a credit-bearing independent work experience module, has proved more attractive to students, and has been further developed in order to cater for mature students (who are in a position to record and reflect on their prior experience). An account of the JEWELS project is given in Watton et al. (2002).

Click here for details of the short-lived ESECT HE Student Employability Award


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Students, teachers and employers
Tool Type
Employability awards
Copyright Issues
Various universities