

Which Tool Should I Use?

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© Lee Harvey 2018, 2019, 2024, page updated 8 January, 2024

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Self-Efficacy Tool

Self-efficacy tools provides an indication of the extent to which students believe that they 'can make a difference' in situations that confront them in higher education and life more generally. This is known as self-efficacy.

The only tool of this sort currently available is one designed for ESECT by Professors Peter Knight and Mantz Yorke. It is a questionnaire to aid reflection on self-efficacy and is described below.

ESECT self-efficacy questionnaire

A component of employability is self-belief that one can affect situations through one's actions. The underlying principle of the self-efficacy approach is that feedback to students should seek to enhance this.

Evidence from pilot work indicates that there is a fairly sizeable minority of students whose self-efficacy could possibly be enhanced. Well-designed curricula can help students, in general, to show greater self-efficacy.

The self-efficacy questionnaire (SEQ) can be used as an individually-focused activity, with the intention of developing individual students' self-knowledge. It can also be used as a group instrument for the same purposes, though in this case the feedback will be general rather than individually-focused. Since care needs to be taken with the ethical issues that bear on any questionnaire activity. For this reason, the use of the questionnaire as a group activity (in which responses can be anonymous) may be preferred.

Please note that SEQ does not provide a 'score' in the manner of an IQ test.

The original site with an interactive version of the tool is no longer available.
Self-efficacy questionnaire

Download word version of questionnaire (Tool 4b SEQ-p1.doc)

Download example results from a sample of over 2000 (Tool 4b SEQ-results.doc)


Target Audience
Students and teachers
Tool Type
Self efficacy tool
Copyright Issues Peter Knight & Mantz Yorke