OrientationObservationIn-depth interviewsDocument analysis and semiologyConversation and discourse analysisSecondary Data
SurveysExperimentsEthicsResearch outcomes
Research can lead to a large array of possible different outcomes. These range from retesting and confirming existing knowledge through to overturning existing knowledge and ideas. The following is summary of a continuum of different types of outcomes.
Confirmation of existing knowledge; through retesting or new data.
Confirmation of existing knowledge in a new context.
Confirmation and extension of existing knowledge (in a new context).
Confirmation (and identification of major trends/potential weak points etc) through meta-analysis of a range of existing studies.
Critique of existing studies resulting in suggestions for change of focus/direction.
Critique of existing studies identifying major flaws.
Critique and overturning of existing notions, suggesting alternative approach.
Fundamental reappraisal of a research area.
Identification of a new research area.
Identification and results form a new research area that challenges taken-for-granteds.
Identification and results form a new research area that casts doubt on established knowledge.