Quality Research International
The End of Quality 
Transforming Quality - Provisional Programme
Parallel Papers

in association with:


Transforming Quality

Seventh Quality in Higher Education 48-Hour International Seminar:
Provisional Programme.

Click here for joining instructions and location details

29th October 2002
18.30-20.00 Reception: RMIT Gallery in RMIT Storey Hall Complex 449, Swanston Street (nearest cnr. LaTrobe Street).
20.00 Own arrangements for dinner/evening entertainment.
30th October 2002

Registration (to remain open throughout the Seminar)
RMIT Storey Hall Complex 449, Swanston Street

09.15-09.30 Welcome from the seminar hosts
09.30-10.00 Opening Keynote: Exploring themes of the seminar - Professor Lee Harvey

Discussion Groups: Theme 1 (Groups of approx 15 people)
Summary of Theme 1 discussion

11.15-11.45 Coffee
11.45-12.25 Keynote: David Woodhouse Quality improvement though quality audit

Parallel session 1 (Full list of abstracts by session)
1.1 Transforming quality in research supervision: a knowledge management approach: Fang Zhao
1.2 "Do we really have to do this?": The purposes, problems and possibilities of the programme annual reporting process: Sophie Hayman, Elizabeth Kelly, Linda O'Neill
1.3 Quality online education: new research agendas: Ian C. Reid
1.4 Internationalisation and ICT in a service university: Anne Welle-Strand

13.10-14.15 Lunch
14.15-15.00 Keynote: James Ratcliff Dynamic and Communicative Qualities of Quality Assurance

Discussion groups: Theme 2 (Groups of approx 15 people)
Summary of Theme 2 discussion

16.15-16.45 Coffee

Parallel session 2 (Full list of abstracts by session)
2.1 Improving the quality and direction of universities through student involvement: Oluf Riddersholm, Mia Kjersner
2.2 Transforming the campus experience of students: Minakinagurki Srinivasaiah Shyamasundar
2.3 Research and the curriculum: Kevin Dooley
2.4 The impact of national transformation imperatives and quality monitoring on programme self-evaluation at a South African university: lessons learned: Annette Wilkinson

17.25-19.30 Free time - proceed to Conference Dinner
19.30 Conference Dinner and cultural event
31st October 2002
09.00-9.45 Keynote: Bjorn Stensaker Trance, Transparency and Transformation: The impact of external quality monitoring on higher education
9.45-11.00 Discussion Groups: Theme 3 (Groups of approx 15 people)
Summary of Theme 3 discussion
11.00-11.30 Coffee
11.30-12.10 Parallel session 3 (Full list of abstracts by session)
3.1 The impact of external approval processes on programme development: Philippa Gerbic and Ineke Kranenburg
3.2 Transforming the quality of international education: evaluating reviews of offshore programmes: Colleen B Liston
3.3 Reflective and collaborative teaching practice: working towards quality student learning outcomes: Tracey Bretag
3.4 Don't care was made to care: changing a compliance culture in a NZ polytechnic: Mark Barrow
3.5 The balance of autonomy and accountability in London Guildhall University's quality management system: Paul Coyle
12.15-12.55 Parallel session 4 (Full list of abstracts by session)
4.1 Independent benchmarking in higher education: reflections on an implementation: Kam-Por Kwan,
4.2 Ensuring customer delight: a quality approach to excellence in management education: Sapna Popli
4.3 Improving the quality and direction of universities through student involvement: Fauza Abd. Ghaffar
4.4 Establishing a national quality assurance system in Vietnamese higher education: background research: Kimdung Nguyen
4.5 The service university and academic freedom: Arild Tjeldvoll

12.55-13.55 Lunch
14.00-14.40 Keynote: Nirwan Idrus Transforming Quality for Development
14.45-15.25 Parallel session 5 (Full list of abstracts by session)
5.1 Engaging grassroots academics in quality conversations and quality assurance initiatives: Opportunity lost?: Kim Watty
5.2 Regulating the offshore activities of Australian universities: an assessment of the adequacy of existing quality assurance mechanisms: Christopher Ziguras
5.3 Educating tomorrow's knowledge managers - transforming managers from strangers to reflective peer-learners: Sandra Jones
5.4 Quality and innovation in university education: contradiction or synergy?: Kate Patrick
5.5 The role of the course experience questionnaire in quality assurance: Phil Aungles

Parallel session 6 (Full list of abstracts by session)
Reflections on a developing quality management system: Another management fad or a sustainable approach to enduring, outcomes focussed enhancement of educational programmes?: Fiona Wahr, Alex Radloff and Kathleen Gray
6.2 The quality assurance framework at the University of Canberra: Marie Carroll
6.3 Improving education quality with positioning theory: Lionel Boxer
6.4 Developing a framework for planning and continuous improvement: a case study of the School of Nursing and Midwifery, Curtin University of Technology: Juris Varpins and Chris Bright
6.5 Transforming the transformers: the impact of external quality audit on universities and ADUs: Debra Herbert

16.10-16.40 Coffee
16.40-17.30 Closing plenary: Summary of the Theme discussion groups

Please contact Prof. Lee Harvey on Lee.Harvey@uce.ac.uk for further details.

Introduction :: Keynotes :: Programme :: Parallel papers ::
Page updated 11 November, 2022 , © Lee Harvey 2002–2023.